The world of RP can very varied and strange. There can be much drama and issues, but also you can meet some utterly wonderful people.
hofficoffi mun is one of those wonderful people.
Yesterday, 5th February, was her 3 year Iantoversary!
Some people manage to tap into a character so utterly beautifully, and with such talent that it can utterly blow you away. Right from the beginning she managed this with her Ianto. There is subtlety and depth added to a character that can so easily be made bland and two dimensional.
It is because of her that my Jack exists at all as without her I'd have never started writing him. She talked me into it and helped me until I had something that I felt vaguely comfortable with and that was what? 2 years ago now? How time flies.
I completely treasure everything we've ever written together. Some complete and utter world building (99% of which sadly off LJ else I would add links here). I regard our stories as personal canon and hold them very dear to me. I am very proud of it all.
And on top of being a wonderful Ianto-writer she is a wonderful person. One of my dearest friends and I love her to pieces.
I would recommend everyone to follow her journal.
♥ to you, Zara, lovely. Happy 3 years, here's to many many more.