Verse master post: Two Immortals One TARDIS

Nov 17, 2009 06:35

This is the master post for all threads in the 'two immortals one TARDIS' verse written with rude_not_ginger. This post will be updated with details as the verse continues, including links back to individual threads and summaries of what happens.

1; In a bar far far away... (116 comments)
Jack and the Doctor account each other in a bar where Jack is attempting to drown his sorrows after the events that led him to leave Earth. The Doctor joins him and over a drink they discuss part of what happened. The Doctor suggests to Jack that he'd be better off travelling.

After a few more drinks, with the pair of them feeling a little fuzzy around the edges, they make a dash back to the TARDIS without paying, and once inside they transfer to the TARDIS' lounge and break open the hypervodka. After a little nostalgia watching some old home videos and a little teasing, the Doctor challenges Jack to show him his flirting style which he duly accepts, which due to a non too small level of inebriation, results in Jack kissing the Doctor. It's an act which displeases the TARDIS and she makes it known.

The duo part at Jack's bedroom door, and Jack heads inside to catch some sleep, feeling somewhat sheepish.

2; The morning after... (141 comments)
Jack wakes feeling foolish for his actions the night before and attempts to leave the TARDIS unnoticed, only to have the Doctor appear and tell him that they're in flight.

In an effort to soothe the hangover the TARDIS is now suffering from, the Doctor takes them to the Eye of Orion. When on the planet surface, the Doctor extends to Jack a full invitation to travel with him, which Jack accepts.

Upon exploring they come upon an area of devastation and get distracted by a mirage set to throw them off the scent while elsewhere a creature is stealing the TARDIS. Left alone on the planet, the Doctor fixes Jack's vortex manipulator and they teleport up to a medical transporter in nearby orbit. On the ship though they discover the crew have all been murdered save for a small few holed up on the other side. They adventure themselves over to rescue them and deal with the madman that killed everyone, while dealing with the impending threat of a Space Wall. After saving everyone, they escape in a pod to a nearby planet.

3; Welcome to Assiap 7. (117 comments)
Summary to come.

4; Friera Minor. (289 comments)
Summary to come.

5; Welcome to Sapiad Delta Five. (311 comments) Adult content.
Summary to come.

6; The Death's Spiral System. (285 comments)
Summary to come.

7 Welcome to Cardiff, 2008. (434 comments)
Summary to come.

8; Welcome to the 27th Century. (311 comments)
Summary to come.

9; Welcome back to Cardiff. (323 comments) Adult content.
Summary to come.

10; Welcome to Woodstock, 1969. (39 comments)
Summary to come.

11 London, November 2010, 5 months later. (325 comments)
Summary to come.

12; Welcome to Christmas Planet (209 comments)
Summary to come.

13 Terra Novus: Outpost 7 (203 comments)
Summary to come.

14; Welcome to Pearl Harbor (189 comments)
Summary to come.

15; Welcome to the Ood Sphere (243 comments) Adult content.
Summary to come.

16; Welcome to Chiswick, 2010 (277 comments)
Summary to come.

17; The Shadow Proclamation holding planet 13 (364 comments)
Summary to come.

18; Welcome to the Boeshane Penninsula (310 comments) Adult content.
Summary to come.

19; The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (255 comments)
Summary to come.

20; Welcome to Hormand Mool (335 comments)
Summary to come.

21; The masked ball of the Prince Regent of Muldoon. (404 comments)
Summary to come.

22; Welcome To Space Station Buy N Large. (304 comments) Adult content.
Summary to come.

23; Valentines Day (50 years on). (146 comments) Adult content. [insert scene]
Summary to come.

24; The road to the Rigaldi System (235 comments)
Summary to come.

25; Interlude, 100 years (159 comments) [insert scene]
Summary to come.

26; Invasion at the Rigaldi Institute (326 comments)
Summary to come.

Story; Jack Harkness is dead. Long live Jack Harkness.
Summary to come.

27; Waking up from death. (351 comments)
Summary to come.

28; Welcome to Merigos 6. (362 comments)
Summary to come.

29; Welcome back to the Universe, Doctor. (361 comments)
Summary to come.

30; Welcome to the Sahara Desert. (236 comments)
Summary to come.

31; Seeking out a reprieve. incomplete. Adult content.
Summary to come.

32; Welcome to your home away from home. (244 comments)
Summary to come.

33; Universe hopping, part 2. in progress
Summary to come.

Bonus Post; Notes from nowhere
One sided letters between the two written during their times apart.

verse master posts, verse: two immortals one tardis

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