May 14, 2004 19:19
So I lost, pretty bad I might add. I achieved my goal though, it was to get one point and I got four. She was so fucking weird, she got off the court and pulled a violin out of no where and started playing. Leah was stiill playing and she decided to yell "Stop playing that fucking banjo". She got a warning lol, because tennis is a gentlemans sport, what ever the hell that means.
Connor got in an accedent, Steven was driving and ran a stop sign. Then got smashed by a pick up truck. Stevens car is totaled and conner said he is suprized he is alive.
I left and met up with tara at the high school and then went to annapolis. When shopping and what not. When we walked to her car these ugly dirty guys tried to talk to us. So when we kept walking they said something about going back to the eastern shore so tara got smart with them lol. I was like hmmm we should leave before they rape us?
So I think lex is comming over so were just going to chill.
Prom tomarrow!!!!!!!!!! Im so excited haha.