[ mood |
weird ]
[ music | john mayer ]
3 day weekend was good for me. essentially sam'n'liz fest '07. we saw "because i said so" and then had a sleepover complete with marie antoinette and midnight mcdonalds run and talking! and talladega nights and blowing bubbles at intersections. then the next day we went skating. 24 hours with walkersa & a lot with jacksota (: best ever
saturday night was less than great. today was okay though. little studying for the two (kind of 3) tests i have to take tomorrow and more babysitting and having a DDR marathon with my brother. and i went to church, cause dont forget, amumc pwns you.
so i decided today that im giving up aim, at least for a week. at first it was kind of because my grades completely sucked this six weeks because of my ability to drag myself off of it. but then i started thinking about people i had blocked, and how people get pissed when you dont im them, and how cleverly the info and away message must be crafted, and how i have become one of those people you assume to be dead if i havent signed on in 12 hours, and i decided it was more trouble than it was worth. most likely i will get back on after a while, though for way less or i might do the cool thing and have a lowprofile screenname that the highly privelaged will know about. that kind of thing. im excited about the free time i shall have though. oh score.
wow. what a rambling post. as for now, im off to sleep & not care about how screwed i am at the moment. lookin towards the future, just not tomorrow. peace!