God I'm bored

Nov 08, 2009 18:44

I am really really really really bored so this is what I'm doing.

Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. Don't forget, NO CHEATING.

1) Dan
2) Scott
3) Steve
4) Mary
5) Krystal


1. How did you meet # 3?
Somewhere in High School, I don't remember when, I just remember he was the best Chemistry partner ever

2. What would you do if 2 and 5 were going out?
Wonder how the fuck they met

3. How long have you known number 2?
shit, like 9 years

4. How long have you known 5?
Since I started working for BJG

5. What would you do if 4 told you they loved you?
Be like "Duh" because she's my sister

6. A fact about number 1:
He loves Star Trek

7. Who is 2 going out with?
Steph Torres

8. What does 5 do for a living?
Works with me at BJG

10. Whats your relationship status with 5?
My friend and co-worker

11. What do you like about number 1?
He's the best pal to have around NYC

12. What would you do if number 2 died?
OMG. I don't know what I'd do. Cry for a very very very very long time. my bff. :(

13. Do you miss number 3?
i just saw him like 2 days ago

14. How do you feel around number 3?

15. Would you ever go out with number 1?
XD Well lets see, yes

17. Ever get really pissed off at number 4?
She's my sibling, of course :P

18. Have you ever slept over at 5's house?

19. Would you ever kiss number 1?

20. What do you like about number 3?
He's my music buddy and that's fantastical

21. What do you like about number 4?
She's lots of fun!

22. Have you ever seen number 1 naked?

23. What's number 3's favorite drink?
I... have no idea

24. Have you ever danced with number 1?

25. Where did you meet number 4?
I've known her since birth lol

26. Have you ever gotten drunk with number 3?
Nope but I have a feeling that would be fun

28. Have you ever seen 3 in a swimsuit?

29. Do you like number 5?
yeah or she wouldn't be on the list lol

30. Have you ever met 4's Family?
Well lets see, being as that we're related... yes

31. Do you know 3's mothers name?

32. Have you ever eaten anything in front of 3?

33. Do you trust number 2?
with my life and then some

34. Have you ever fought with number 1?
About stupid things

35. When's the last time you talked to 3 in person?

36. Are any of your 5 family?

37. Have you ever taken a shower with any of the 5 people?

38. Have you ever slept in the same bed with any of the 5?

39. Do you think 4 and 5 would make a good couple?
Um, no. lol

40. Would 1 do anything for you?

41. Has 2 ever helped you out?
He's the best

43. Which have you known the longest?
Scott, not counting my sister b/c she's family

44. Who have you known the shortest?

45. Have you had a crush on 1-5?

46. Have you ever done anything illegal with number 3?
hahaha nope but I wouldn't put it past us

47. Will 1 - 5 repost this?
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