
Nov 11, 2015 23:59

Nearly 5 months between entries...I have been quite the procrastinator. Since today is apparently FINAL FANTASY XI day or something (11/11), it seems as good a day as any to get back to this.

5 months is a long time, of course. Except that 5 months is not terribly long compared to my other, um, examples. After repeatedly failing to start the second chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, I finally recognized my error. I never did visit Blueblade Fell after receiving my Rajas way back when, and apparently you have to complete The Chains Fall Free before you can start the second chapter. Oops.

Having had this journal since 2004 means that I have a pretty good idea how long I've been putting that off. Here is the entry from, um, more than 8 years ago. My favorite line from that entry is this:

I look forward to seeing Prishe at the Blueblade Fell.

Clearly, what I meant was "I look forward to seeing Prishe at the Blueblade Fell more than 8 years later." That must be it. Yeah.

2015, rhapsodies of vana'diel, chains of promathia

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