Originally Posted: August 31, 2003.
LXF, semi-private writing journal.
Additional Notes: Retained the original (or at least the second version of) Author's Notes.
Author: Moony.
Title: Peek-A-Boo.
Fandom: The Leage of Extraordinary Gentlemen (comicverse).
Character: Hawley Griffin/Invisible Man.
Rating: PG-13 for very mild attempted non-con.
Word Count: 250 words.
Author's Notes: 250-word drabble for Challenge #1 at lxg_100. And please forgive me for the lack of quality. Quite honestly, this is my first real drabble, even fanfic, ever. Please forgive me. And the quote (italics) is from Robert Louis Stevenson's "A Child's Garden of Verses", the specific poem being "The Unseen Playmate".
Should've brought matches, Griffin thought to himself as he eased open the door to one of the cabins on the Nautilus' sleeping quarters. Stumbling through the ship's dark corridors hadn't been a pleasant experience, but it was merely the means to an end. A rather enjoyable end, if everything went as planned.
"In comes the playmate that never was seen," Griffin sang to himself as he skipped over to the bed in the far corner and wrestled with the sheets. "Aheh, pleasant evening we're having or going to have, eh, Miss Murray?" She answered with a very unladylike snore before rolling over to face Griffin, who quickly seized the opportunity to snake his hand down the front of her nightgown.
This particular experience, for lack of a better word, was not entirely what he had expected. Was Miss Murray honestly this shapeless without her corset on? And her skin... If Griffin didn't know any better, he would have thought he was fondling a tree. Then...
"Mmm. A little lower, Mina, don't stop what you're doing..."
Griffin gasped and tumbled off of the bed in surprise. His hand flew to the other's face and unless Mina had recently grown some sort of interesting shrubbery around her lips...
He quickly jerked his hand back in disgust and bolted out of the room; it was a miracle that no one had been awakened by the noise. And Nemo certainly wasn't going to be happy about the mess Griffin'd left outside of Allan's room.