Feb 22, 2008 10:54
So far, so good. I've stopped picking up the empty pack of cigarettes now and I just look at it when i realize it is why I'm feeling restless. I'd bought some cans of diet coke the same time I bought my last pack of cigarettes, because I knew if I had sugar soda with me I'd drink way too much of it and would end up with issues replacing cigarettes with calories, which might actually be more dangerous to me than smoking was. But anyway, I've done pretty good by doing lots of kitty book reading. I'm going to run out of books to read very soon, more than halfway through my last novel, with only the two kitty manga left after this.
I don't think I've been too crazy yet. Poor Jay has to put up with IMs from me with things like "Will you get me cigarettes on your way home? I don't want you to get me cigarettes. Yes I do. I need you to be strong and not give in to me. I think if you bought a pack of cigarettes and only gave me one per day, it'd be nice. I just want one for bedtime, since that's when I'm the most stressed with the kids. I'm glad you didn't get me any cigarettes on the way home." Poor Jay. He's holding up well, though. I think he's decided I am crazy, which means he can just ignore me.
In related news, the gunk I'm coughing up is icky. Yesterday it was almost all thin, colorless goo, today it seems to be goo from deeper in my lungs and there's actually more wheezing and gurgling when I breathe. Jay thinks the cessation of smoking has allowed the goo to loosen up and it's now free enough to be coughed up, instead of stuck in my lungs. So hopefully coughing up nasty shit is an improvement in this cold, 'cause I am freaking TIRED of being sick. My throat is more sore since I quit as well, and it's sore in a very specific reminds-me-of-strep kind of way. I'm hoping I don't HAVE Strep, since my mom is coming back into town on Sunday, but I guess it's better to have the icky cold when she's coming back from visiting the newborn baby than when she's going to the newborn baby. I'll need to go visit Vicki soon to see the baby. I wanted to go right after mom got back, and be there in DC for Prom next weekend, but it just wouldn't work out. :( So now I don't know when I'm going to visit Vicki, but it ought to be sometime soon. I want to me my baby nephew!
Next week is Jay's birthday. 29 years old, on Thursday. His mom wants to do his birthday party this weekend, on Sunday, along with his brother's, since his brother's bday is the 25th. I just hope Charlotte is willing to do the party early enough, because I have to pick mom up at the airport at 5:30 and then D&D is at 7. It's Jason's party, she's going to have to be willing to accommodate him. I dunno what to get Jay for his birthday. There's so much we're going to be buying right now with the tax money, it's hard to differentiate what is a gift for him and what's not. I suppose he could get the PS3 now... that's a pretty cool gift. I wish I had something superawesomecool that I could surprise him with, but he's been so vocal about what he wants, none of it can be a surprise.
Rambling now. :) I'm going to go back and be sociable in radio chat now. I've been lurking pretty hardcore just lately, wrapped up in these kitty books. I <3 kitty books.
Unrelated, Skippyjon Jones is an adorable read-along book. If you have kids, find a copy of it.