I've always wanted to try my hand at making scones but for some reason didn't until tonight. And I can best summarize the experience with "Yum, scones!"
So I used the sweet version of the
Joy of Cooking recipe, but had to make a few changes. Due to the humidity out here, I had to add an extra 3/4 cup flour to get the dough to stop sticking to everything. I also subbed milk for the heavy cream, and added frozen blueberries to a couple of them. Finally I sprinkled them with raw sugar. Here's how they turned out...
...with blueberries and folded from the corners. (It probably would have worked better if I sprinkled the sugar after doing the folding...)
...with sugar on top, unfolded
Next time I'm going to add maple syrup to offset the extra flour, which dulled the sweetness of this batch. Also I must say that working with the dough was divine, almost as sensually delicious as eating the finished product. This dough is so much softer and more luxurious than bread dough!