
Sep 21, 2008 21:53

So for as much as we do a lot of walking, 1-3 miles per day since Spring, I rarely do any running.  There were times in college and since that I've used the machine to go a mile or more, but the most I've done on land in the past eight years has been half a mile.  (Ouch.)  Well tonight I decided to accompany DH on his evening run, thoroughly convinced he would need to drop me off at the house after half a mile, maybe three quarters if I pushed.  But I made it 1.25 miles!  And that included some serious hills!  A couple stretches were 15 degrees and the last leg was 30 degrees.  And honestly I think I could have kept going for another half mile... all I can say is that there must be some carryover from walking to running or there's no way I'd have this endurance.

Tonight's success has me inspired to keep going.  I'd like to improve my pace from a 13.5 minutes mile to a 9 minute mile, and eventually my distance from 1.25 up to 5.  While I was even slower about 2-3 years ago, since I reached 13.5 I haven't progressed at all.  So what would be a good short-term goal?  I'm thinking of trying to reduce 13.5 down to 12.5 by the end of the month, because I always improve fastest at the outset of a new regimen.  I'll report back on this in a couple weeks, after the holiday :)
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