Heroes, "Plateau" Niki/Nathan Drabble, rated G

Nov 08, 2007 12:02

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Plateau
Challenge: 002 -- "Typical"
Characters/Pairings: Niki, slight Niki/Nathan
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None.
Spoilers/Notes: Spoilers for "Out of Time". Written for heroes100 Typical challenge.
Side: Hero

His soft fingers caressed her cheek. He looked at her with remorse, and he watched her with a rare compassion that she didn't think she deserved.

She closed her eyes. She was going to die soon. She would join D.L. and lose Micah. She would lose the chance to start another life, just when things were getting better.

Death sighed in her ear, clawing at her plateaued fate.

She met Nathan's eyes again, and his pity quickly melted in her veins as fast as the virus. She would lose everything, and any hope she had would just typically fade away.

heroes, niki, niki/nathan, drabble

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