Inuyasha, "Old Days of Autumn" Rated G, KagSess

Aug 24, 2007 08:39

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Old Days of Autumn
Rating: G
Genre: Introspection/Genfic
Word Count: 250
Notes/Warnings: None, Modern Canon
Summary: Autumn just wasn't the same as it used to be.

Old Days of Autumn

The changing days of autumn felt so different now than in feudal times. Sesshoumaru remembered when seasons were much more appreciated in the past, and villagers and youkai alike paid more attention to the turn of the seasons.

Though the leaves still colored and autumn still came. However, besides the more traditional people, the bustling working class of Japan barely noticed nature, and Sesshoumaru wondered if any of the humans ever took out time to remember the ancient world before modernization.

“Professor, do you have a minute?” He turned around and looked into the admiring eyes of his most exceptional student, Kagome Higurashi. He cautioned his thin lips back from a smile.

“What is it, Higurashi-san?”

She smiled brightly at him. He inwardly wondered if she even knew who he was underneath the masking spells. From the way she paid attention and hung on his every word in class, he supposed that maybe something had drawn them together after all these years. Fate was funny, indeed.

“It’s about my paper on the feudal era? I know it’s a couple days early,” she said, pausing to smile sheepishly, “but I was wondering if you would look it over?”

A breeze of fall leaves whisked behind her, and hesitantly, Sesshoumaru let out a curt nod and took her paper, pausing and unintentionally getting lost in her deep eyes.

At least he knew of one human in this era who aspired to remember the old ways.

sesskag, inuyasha

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