Inuyasha, "Only" Sess/Kag, Rated G

Jun 28, 2007 09:18

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Only
Rating: G
Genre: Introspective/Angst
Word Count: 250
Spoilers: None, Canon
Summary: She couldn't believe he was here - in her time.

Written for the "Solitary" theme at ebony_silks


Soon, she realized that it was really him.

So she followed him out of curiosity - outraged that he was even here in modern-day Tokyo. She had finally accepted being alone after the well had spit her back into her own time, yet she felt both offended and invigorated that she wasn't the only one left. He had survived as well.

And he acted as though he belonged here, which annoyed her.

But when he found out she was following him, he became annoyed with her as well.

"Leave me alone." He released her hand from his arm and pushed her firmly aside. He walked away, and Kagome wondered it if it'd been a mistake to follow him, to even find out for herself if she was truly alone.

"No, please!" Her eyes widened when he had actually stopped to acknowledge her. "Please tell me what happened to them. Are we the only ones ... in this time?"

Sesshoumaru turned around, his golden eyes blazing at her. Kagome knew that even through time nothing affected him. He still had no use for the affairs of others.

"You'd be better not knowing. Go on with your life, girl, and be thankful the past mended itself well enough without you."

He walked away, and she knew he was stubborn.

But she was stubborn too, and tomorrow she would follow him again. She would follow him until he told her exactly how they managed to defeat Naraku without her.


sess/kag, drabble, inuyasha

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