Inuyasha, "For Little Girls Without Houses"> Rin-centric, G

May 16, 2005 08:40

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: For Little Girls without Houses
Rating: G
Character: Rin
Word Count: 300
Summary: Her last house had never moved nor looked at her. She would rather have houses that were tall and warm than dank and dirty.

Home was nowhere and everywhere.

She barely remembered the last unmoving house she had called her home. It was not much, just a small shack with rotting boards and dirty objects. She slept on a mass of hay on the floor. A dank smell from a nearby bog constantly permeated within the house. And when the villagers ignored her, she was silent and alone.
This house hadn’t been much, but it had been hers.

She let those memories tiptoe over her and away as she reveled in a blissful moment. She hung snugly to a dragon’s back. The scales were rough against her soft cheeks, but it was warm. She hugged tighter. She would rather sleep on dragon scales than hay on a dingy floor.
She giggled, and the dragon cooed for her.

Later, she ran into the forest looking for food with Jaken-sama. He would shout at her, blather about nothing and everything, and even mutter under his breath. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had talked to her in such length. She would rather hear someone talking to her than being ignored by villagers.
She found a yellow flower and handed it to Jaken-sama. He stuttered nervously, but took the flower nonetheless.

And when her Sesshoumaru-sama came back, she clung to his heels and wrapped herself around his towering heat. His clothing would drape over and around her, sheltering her in warmth. Once, she had hid behind his long hair, giggling in the shadow it created over her. Then he would move away to meet her eyes. Her last house had never moved nor looked at her. She would rather have houses that were tall and warm than cold and dirty.
She bowed to him with a small smile, and lightly, he bowed back.

Her home was here.


rin, inuyasha

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