Inuyasha, "The Self-Less Act" Sess/Kag implied, Gen, Rated G

Jun 04, 2007 22:09

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Self-less Act
Author: paynesgrey/Quirkyslayer
Rating: G
Word Count: 249
Genre: Genfic/Drama
Spoilers: Some in the later chapters with Sesshoumaru's mother
Notes: Written for ebony_silks's "Blue Moon" theme.

Summary: Via his mother, Sesshoumaru helps Kagome ease Inuyasha's youkai transformations. Canon.

Kagome stared at the imposing woman, intimidated by her beauty and power.

“I had a feeling you’d come for this,” spoke the silver-haired woman. Kagome watched Sesshoumaru's mother approach her with the magical amulet, and her eyes drifted to the pattern on her kimono, splattered with their family crest of blue half moons.

The youkai woman’s voice brought her out of her reverie, and sternly she instructed Kagome on how to use the amulet. “Tie this to Inuyasha’s sword. Combined with Tessaiga’s barrier, the rise of youki in his blood will be a smoother transition over time. Soon, he will no longer need the sword to control the unstable youki. His father wanted him to have a life without having him fall into madness.”

Kagome bowed, gently taking the amulet from her hands and then thanking her. She turned to Sesshoumaru and addressed him, “Thank you for doing this. With this amulet, you’ll be saving his life someday. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Sesshoumaru stayed silent, but gave her a small nod. Kagome felt his power increase, and clouds of youki and wind began to pick up as he transformed to carry her back to the surface.

He still remained silent with her, but when he agreed to help ease his brother’s suffering, the selfless act alone spoke volumes. Kagome had known that even in that respect, Sesshoumaru had surpassed Inuyasha, and perhaps even his father.

She only hoped he had realized that himself as well.

sess/kag, drabble, inuyasha

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