Inuyasha "Schizophrenic" Kagome/Midoriko

Aug 14, 2006 11:23

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Schizophrenic
Genre: Bleak/Introspective/Psychological
Rating: R
Pairing: Midoriko/Kagome
Word Count: 245-ish
Warnings/Squicks: implied yuri, implied masturbation, character death
Summary: They were the last, but they also survived as one.


She taps her chin nonchalantly. The modern world appears so basic, so mundane compared to the things she’s seen - the trials she’s lived.

I am the last one. You are the last one. We are the last of them all.

Comforted by a familiar voice in her head, returning to her time doesn’t seem so dreary - she doesn’t seem so alone.

Sometimes she sees the blond hair of a foreigner among a sea of black, and she thinks that maybe she and her sister-voice really aren’t the last.

We both know he’s dead. They all are.

It’s sad, but not too sad; she still has the voice after all. She has the jewel.

Idly, she caresses her fingers over her scar and then below - the voice inside her purrs in joy that her host knows that she’s still here, and she’s not going anywhere.

You knew you had to take me in; it was the only way to win. It was the only way the rest of the world would be safe when your friends could not be.

Combined with the soul of a long dead miko, she pays the price of winning. It is a marker that there once were others - that even though she is ‘the last’, she hadn’t been ‘the only’.

With Midoriko’s soul fused with her own, her brittle mind is reminded that once she fought a battle - and then once she had friends that are now all dead and gone.

shoujo-ai, kagome, drabble, inuyasha

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