Inuyasha, "To Live and Die Again" Kagura

May 10, 2006 23:21

Fandom: Inuyasha
Written for planetgal471
Requested: Kagura Slice-of-Life (somehow Sesshoumaru got in there too)
Word Count: 200
Title: To Live and Die Again

She’d like to think she'd died for something.

She was no longer alive - yet not completely gone. Instead, she was renewed, transferred from the end to the beginning again as a wispy fabric of Gaea.

Kagura thought it was an acceptable fate. She had been made for a reason, and she had to have died for a reason. So, she was certain that in the end she had been useful - that even now, as non-corporeal, she could still do something good.

Listlessly and euphorically, she had lived as she wanted to - as the wind - beyond death.

Spending time fluttering though silver tendrils and blowing off debris of swords born anew, she felt helpful, worthy at least of something - maybe even someone. And she knew that she had died so that she could somehow live again - to make up for wrongs with even the smallest of rights.

And then, upon living and righting, she found herself believing and striving, so that others could live when she had died. Thus by filling his lungs with breath of life, she lived so that he could live and she died so that he could fight.

Yes, she’d like to think she hadn’t died for nothing.



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