Inuyasha, "Two Times" Rin/Sesshoumaru, rated PG

Apr 03, 2006 09:29

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Two Times
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: PG
Word Length: 462
Characters/Pairings: Rin --> Sesshoumaru
Summary: Sometimes the things making us comfortable and whole never stay with us forever.
Warnings/Spoilers: none really, just the general angst

Two Times

So far in my lifetime, I have died twice.

The first time, wolves - menacing and terrifying creatures that tore at my young flesh - killed me growling and gnashing between bites. I still remember what it felt like to have my skin torn away from bone.

They had left me physically broken, unable to grow beyond a young girl and unable to heal with such dire wounds. But that was when he came along - and I had hope again.

I wasn’t so afraid of wolves much after Sesshoumaru-sama saved me and gave me a new life. I did feel stronger - even if I was still a small girl. I felt stronger because of him, and I felt I could do anything.

Just one look into his proud, invulnerable face and I felt I could run anywhere - I felt I could even outrun wolves. And I had no reason to feel broken, or to fear, because I had died already and was saved.

I latched onto Sesshoumaru-sama without really touching him, yet I never felt closer to anyone.


The second time I died, I was still breathing and blood was still flowing throughout my body.

My mind, however, was irreparable, and wolves might as well have torn my heart out. But sometimes the things making us comfortable and whole never stay with us forever.

When I learned that I felt my younger self was a fool.

I was older and my body had more definitive shapes. I had urges, many urges that I would only allow to be subdued by my Sesshoumaru-sama. I could have no one else - how could I? There was no one else more worthy, and there was not a soul that could repair the damage of a girl who’s died before.

“Sesshoumaru-sama!” I screamed for him, but my feet were frozen in the ground. The villagers of my new home didn’t need to hold me back. It was against his will that I run after him, and after all, my body only obeyed his will.

My hand reached out for him. I had never truly touched him, and he would never let me. And when my arrogance lent itself so that I could, I truly learned his intentions for the first time. Even if I was some little girl that he saved from death, I could never be with him. He would not have me the way his father had a human woman - his blood did not sing that way.

I cried, motionless and staring at his descending form in the distance, and everything I held dear collapsed within itself inside of me.

And that’s when I died for the second time in my life, and I felt that any deaths hereafter would probably be borne into a much paler light.

rin, sesshoumaru/rin, inuyasha

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