Arrow, "Dark Stranger" Felicity/Slade, Felicity/OIiver "Six"

Feb 23, 2014 22:46

Fandom: Arrow
Title: Dark Stranger
Chapter Title: Six
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Felicity Smoak, Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen; Felicity/Slade, Oliver/Felicity, and Oliver/Sara
Rating: M
Warnings/Spoilers: adult content, spoilers for "Heir to the Demon"
Notes: I'm shooting for about six chapters for this to be finished soon.

Summary: Felicity must make peace with Oliver's choice, even if it means turning her attention to a charming and mysterious stranger. Her attentions to someone else, however, do not go unnoticed.

Other Links: AO3 | FFnet | Dreamwidth

Felicity was glad when her work day was over and she was able to leave Queen Consolidated. Oliver was mostly in meetings with Isobel that day, and the tension was so thick in the office, that Felicity was glad to get away from it all. She was also happy Moira Queen wasn’t showing her face around the building anymore, for Felicity wanted nothing more than to avoid that woman.

She would have felt sorry for Oliver in Isobel’s presence in addition to the meetings, but she was glad from the reprieve from gaze of his angsting eyes.

They kept things friendly when they did interact, and Oliver seemed as anxious as she was that there was still no sign of the people behind the Mirakuru drug. Even crime dwindled in the Glades, and Sara and Digg wrapped those jobs up without a problem.

Felicity could tell that Oliver was bored, but she was actually glad for the down time. She even took a half day to visit Barry Allen, who was unfortunately still in a coma. She reluctantly left his bedside and headed back to Starling City, feeling anxious as she planned to call Will Shade that night.

When she arrived back to her apartment, she sent out a group text to Team Arrow telling them to call if there were any trouble. As much as she was anxious for some action, she kind of didn’t want anything to spoil her chances of going out with Will tonight, if he was available.

Her ears buzzed when she called up his number. She paced in her small living room, and when she heard his silky Australian accent say “hello,” she stuttered before greeting him.

“Hi, Will, it’s Felicity Smoak,” she said.

“Ahhh, I knew you’d call me. Had enough of random meetings at the Corner Bakery?” he asked teasingly. Her knees wobbled again. If only he was right in front of her saying those words.

“Uh, yeah, I’m beginning to think the exposition of this story between us is flat so, how about we progress things?” She laughed a little and he matched her amusement.

“I quite agree. Meet you outside Corner Bakery at 7? I promise we’ll go somewhere else.” She heard him pause. “It’ll be a surprise.” Her hormones seemed at full attention.

“Yes, please!” she said quickly. “I mean...uh, I will see you there at seven.”

“Consider the surprise worthy of fancy dress, Ms. Smoak,” he said, flirting with her again.

“Uh, yes, awesome,” she said.

He chuckled lightly.

“See you at seven,” she confirmed, and they said their goodbyes. Felicity looked at the time on her phone. It was 5:40 P.M. Seven o’clock was just too far away.


“That was easy,” Barbara said, and Slade watched as she pivoted her wheelchair to meet her eyes. She was chewing on a Twizzler, looking amused through her purple framed glasses.

“Felicity has been spurned for too long, especially by the man she’s in love with. Soon it will be Oliver’s loss.” He gave her a pointed look, “Make sure everyone in Starling City behaves themselves tonight.”

“And what about the Canary?”

“Drop her another tip about another sex ring in Central City. She won’t be able to resist it, not with Starling City’s crime slowing to a dull halt,” Slade said. Barbara had already turned her chair around as she tapped at her keys.

“On it, sir,” she said.

Slade rose from his chair and straightened his suit. He headed to the vanity room to check his appearance before heading out for a few errands. Then, he would meet Felicity Smoak, woo her beyond anything she’d ever known, and slowly but surely destroy her trust in Oliver Queen.

He would take her and let her fall so deep, that she’d be so broken there’d be nothing left of her for Oliver to save.

Love was indeed a powerful emotion. It still ate him up at times, Shado’s presence haunting him and poisoning the marrow of his bones. But he’d make his peace with it, and he’d tie up that last loose end so he could finally be free.

Oliver Queen would pay. Oliver Queen would lose everything and breathe his final breath knowing that his long lost “friend” had destroyed him.


“Is red too slutty?” she asked her tabby cat, who stared at her while she nervously clawed through her closet. Hey, at least she had decent clothes. She never really had them before, but if she was going to be Oliver Queen’s personal assistant, she definitely had an excuse to own everything she was looking at now.

The problem was she had too many cute things, and she couldn’t choose. She wanted to set the mood with Will Shade, but she didn’t want to seem desperate, or skanky, or even, God forbid, a prude!

“I think purple is good. Purple is always safe,” she said, looking at a slinky, fitted purple dress with an angled black color block slashing through the middle. She’d wear those purple pumps with the small black leather bows on them. It was trendy yet slightly vintage.

She’d keep her hair down, and no glasses, of course. She accented her outfit with a black clutch and black costume jewelry. The black onyx earrings sparkled, and her tabby cat’s eyes followed the reflected beams moving about her ceiling.

“How do I look?” she asked the cat, but it turned to lick its paw and not pay her any mind.

“You’re no help,” Felicity said, and she hated that she had no girlfriends to run to for beauty and fashion advice.

“I’m just going to have to go for it,” Felicity said, and she applied the lipstick and fluffed her hair.

“Well, here goes nothing,” she said, and she smiled at herself in the mirror. She felt excited, but she couldn’t help notice how sad her eyes looked. Was she really doing the right thing?

“Yes,” she said aloud. “I can’t wait for him forever, and if this is good, Felicity, you’ll regret it.”

She had a lot of regrets; she thought to herself honestly. But she didn’t want this to be one of them.


Felicity lingered around the bustle of people as she waited for him in front of the Corner Bakery. She shifted her weight back and forth on her feet, looking around anxiously for Will to walk up to her.

She wasn’t expecting him to come up to the curb in a stretch limo, turning heads and causing her mouth to drop.

He rolled down his window and grinned at her. “Are you ready?” She met his gaze, delighted in his smooth tan skin and the sophisticated gray in his hair. She noticed the dark brown suit, shimmering slightly with pinstriped gold threads.

“Yes, wow, you didn’t have to get a limo,” she said, and his smile widened.

“Business expense,” he said simply, and Felicity didn’t doubt the US government really looked carefully at every expense this guy made. He was too valuable and well, what was a little dinner and a limo for their best negotiator?

“Okay…” she said, and the driver parked the car long enough to open the door and help her inside. She slide on the leather seat next to him, brushing lightly against his thigh. She turned to him and shot him a nervous smile.

“So, dinner...the surprise,” she said, frozen in his amused stare.

“Yes, a surprise,” he said, and the silence between them was making her itch. She fidgeted uncomfortably next to him.

“You look beautiful, Ms. Smoak,” he said.

She squeaked a little, laughed, and took a breath. “Thanks. You can call me Felicity, you know; you have before.”

“I am aware, but I decided that from now on I’d be more of a gentleman to you,” he said, but she figured he’d be stubborn. The formality was kind of cool; it was so completely him.

But she wondered. “Are you ever going to call me Felicity again?”

He leaned over close to her ear, and his voice was almost a whisper. “Not yet. It has to be the perfect time.”

Her entire body felt like it erupted with wildfires. She didn’t even have a witty response to that. How long had it been since a man openly flirted with her and set her entire body melting? Barry? No, Will wasn’t like Barry and vice versa. Not at all.

Dinner must have been lovely, but Felicity admitted shamefully she didn’t really remember it. She knew his surprise was an upscale restaurant, the wine was expensive, and a lot of people covered in diamonds sat in tables around them.

While the splendor eluded her at first, Felicity stared and listened to him talk while admiring the pitch and tone of his voice. She told him a little about her life, about her non-existent father and her neurotic mother. She talked briefly about her religion, and even called herself a pretty decent Jewish girl, all things considered. She confessed to not have been in a Synagogue in awhile, not since her aunt took her last summer. She had a hard time going alone, even though her life was mostly spent alone.

“But you got promoted from IT manager to personal assistant to Oliver Queen,” he said, trying to make her feel better about herself. She found it hard not going the self-deprecating route, but without disclosing much about her moonlighting work, she really didn’t seem all that special.

“Actually I wasn’t the IT manager, yet. I just worked in IT,” she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Felicity was grateful her dress was stretchy and her shoes were well worn in and comfortable.

“Quite a boost up the ladder, Ms. Smoak. People may have wondered about what had influenced that,” he said suggestively, and she felt her words halt in her mouth, as if she had just swallowed sawdust. He sipped his wine, and she was amazed that the stem of the glass didn’t break in his huge hands.

“Ah, I’m sure they have. Actually the reason is a really long story, a very non-sexy and platonic story.”

“You must have helped Mr. Queen cover up some nasty stuff with your spectacular skills, or you uncovered something about him which has kept you stuck under his thumb, so to speak,” he guessed. Felicity was impressed. It was a really good guess and it was almost true.

“Did you...just profile me? Is that what you do for your negotiations? You read people and observe them and know how to pinpoint their weaknesses to streamline into more fluid concessions?” Felicity asked, and she wondered by his expression if she had gone to far. “I’m sorry.”

“I think you just profiled me, Ms. Smoak,” he said with a light chuckle.

“Well, I’m not just an IT girl,” she said, sipping on her wine too.

“Indeed,” he said with a nod. Silence fell between them in a long pause, and Felicity looked anxiously around the room at the fancy restaurant. She was starting to notice more of the riches and decor, and she felt the wine begin poking holes into her better senses.

“May I be frank, Ms. Smoak?” Will finally asked, drawing her attention back to his dark, intimidating features. “I was hoping you would call me today, and yet I must confess that this surprise expensive business expense is all a pretext.”

Felicity almost choked on her wine. Who choked on wine? she scolded herself.

“Pretext?” she asked hoarsely.

“Yes,” he said simply, downing the last bit of red in his glass. The waiter came over immediately when he noticed it was empty. Will shook his head and put his hand over the glass. “Bring our check please, and also be so kind to add a bottle of the same red to go.” The waiter bowed and scurried off back to the wait station.

Felicity caught herself gaping.

“We’ll continue the reasons for this pretext at my hotel room. I hope you enjoyed the wine?”

“Who doesn’t love wine. I mean...the wine was awesome. It’s been awhile since I drank wine from my grandmother’s time.”

“Cheers,” he said, and the waiter came back just as Will was rising from his seat. The wine to-go was neatly wrapped up, and Will gave him a few large bills for the meal, and the waiter was audibly grateful before he buzzed off again. Felicity’s brain seemed dead with shock inside her skull. She looked up, and Will was offering his hand.

“Shall we?”


The pretext may have initially involved more wine, but in the end it didn’t. Felicity wondered quickly if that was for later.

The moment Will closed the door to his hotel room, the lights stayed off and he was pulling her against him, drawing her lips into his mouth. She squeaked in surprise, but felt herself melting against him, listening to the song of the wine in her blood and giving in. All common sense, all warnings to slow things down, did not seem to compute.

“Felicity,” he breathed as he broke the kiss and drew her forward. She realized the formalities were over, and she was pulling his suit jacket, his vest, and his undershirt off vigorously - desperate to touch the heated dark skin hidden underneath, just like unwrapping an unexpected present. When his shirt was gone, she felt patches of raised and rough skin on him in the dark. Scars? Did every man she know have surface scars and dubious pasts?

She gasped as feeling tore through her thoughts and his hand was under her dress, seeking out warmth, finding treasured wetness. He lead her against the wall, her legs tensing as they rubbed against him, spasming at the feeling in between. He drew his fingers out, pulling her dress up, and pushing down her lacey orange panties.

“Wait,” she cried in an exhale, and he stopped reluctantly, looking into her eyes. “Will, please, protection…”

He nodded solemnly, but she swore she heard a growl through his teeth, fending back an inhuman control. She closed her eyes and let herself fall into the blackness of the room, listening to the heightened sounds as he stomped around the room and slammed a nearby drawer.

His hands were soft, alerting her that he was back. His lips found her neck, tracing a languid path to her breasts. She felt him lift her, her legs automatically wrapping around his thick torso, searching out his skin. He was wearing nothing, she mused, and she opened her eyes and squinted at him in the dark, piecing together his shapes.

As he rocked into her, she felt the hardness against her thigh, and she surged with the return of those raging wildfires within her, burning brighter and hotter than ever.

His mouth found hers again, intensifying passed the initial kiss, drawing her in and draining her whole. She cried softly as she felt him push against her, searching out, meeting at the crossroads and filling her to the hilt. She began to move into a rhythm, delighting in the electric pulses from his motions, feeling the slick friction begin slow and progress upward with the ascending growls against her ear.

Will was thick, opening and stretching her to limits she had not experienced for a long time. She was slightly scared, losing herself to this man that she barely knew, this man who captured her bruised and forsaken heart.

Her body cried, primal and satiated as his pace increased and she knew nothing but the hot crescendo that was washing over them as he screamed a madman’s howl at his end.

Her ears flooded with white noise, and he’d left her panting. Slowly, she put her rubbery legs and feet to the floor as he rested his head against her chest. She traced a soft finger down the elastic of his eye patch, wandering into the thick tufts of his black hair, weaving her fingers through and delighting in his sweat.

She leaned against the wall as he pulled away. He took her hand, squeezing it as he motioned her to follow.

“I suppose I’ve been too forward, Ms. Smoak,” he said amidst his own pacing. “Please allow me to escort you to my bedroom.”

Felicity was sure her heart had stopped. When she walked on tired legs behind him, she wondered if this was how a zombie felt.

Or maybe she was just someone who gave too much this time because she had waited so long to give it.


felicity/slade, oliver queen, dark stranger, felicity smoak, minor characters, slade wilson, arrow, felicity/oliver

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