Arrow, "Stars and Beyond" Sara/Nyssa | rated T

Feb 15, 2014 17:33

Fandom: Arrow
Title: Stars and Beyond
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairing: Sara Lance/Nyssa Raatko
Word Count: 104
Prompt: #398 - beyond at femslash100 at Dreamwidth.
Rated: Teen and up
Notes/Spoilers: Spoilers for 2.13. Taken place in their past relationship.

Summary: She can see stars in her hair.

She stares into Nyssa’s eyes, delighting in her smile. Sara’s gaze travels over her face and settles on her inky hair - so black that Sara strains to see stars within it, a universe shimmering in the beyond.

Nyssa takes Sara’s hand, and she can still feel the moisture from their intense training before. More than training, Sara thinks, as kickboxes and blocks turn to caresses and kisses.

“Come here,” Nyssa says, and Sara hovers over her. She indulges in the softness of her fingers through Nyssa’s silky hair. Hands trace lightly down Sara’s back, and she can feel heat pulse between them again.

minor characters, arrow, sara lance, drabble

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