Arrow, "Dark Stranger" Felicity/Slade, Felicity/OIiver "Two"

Feb 15, 2014 17:28

Fandom: Arrow
Title: Dark Stranger
Chapter Title: Two
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Felicity Smoak, Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen; Felicity/Slade, Oliver/Felicity, and Oliver/Sara
Rating: M
Warnings/Spoilers: adult content, spoilers for "Heir to the Demon"
Notes: I'm shooting for about six chapters for this to be finished soon.

Summary: Felicity must make peace with Oliver's choice, even if it means turning her attention to a charming and mysterious stranger. Her attentions to someone else, however, do not go unnoticed.

Other Links: AO3 | FFnet | Dreamwidth

The flutter in her stomach slightly subsided as Felicity accepted his offer to share a table at the Corner Bakery. He seemed pleased that she would keep him company, and she felt his eyes on her, almost grateful to no longer be alone as she set her plate in front of her.

“Name’s Will Shade, nice to meet you Ms. Smoak,” he said, and when he offered his hand she took it awkwardly. After a firm shake, the flutter in her stomach returned again.

“Felicity will do just fine,” she said with a shy smile. “So you’re here on business?”

“That’s right. Just got in last night. I’m camping out for a week of mandatory training on this SAP system for my company,” he said with a groan, and her smile stretched. “Bloody computers. Not really my thing.”

Felicity couldn’t hold back the chuckle. “That’s funny. Computers seem to be my specialty.” She met his intrigued gaze.

“Really? That’s just my luck then,” he said impressed. She watched him take a bite of his food. “There may be a chance I won’t have a clue what I’m doing. I wonder if I can count on you to help me out.”

“I get that alot. Does your computer have that ugly blue screen? Call Felicity Smoak. Need to hack into an ex wife’s email for evidence; I’m your girl,” she said teasingly, but she saw the humor flash out of his expression for a moment at a mention of a “wife”. She knew she’d said something that struck a chord.

“Uh oh… did I say something wrong?”

“No… no, not at all,” he said, but his demeanor seemed to get darker the more he tried to assure her. Truthfully, she found it attractive. As she studied his face during their exchange, he seemed to become much more mysterious. It was enticing, this handsome dark man showing an interest in her. She watched him closely, not just seeing a handsome man, but a treasure trove of secrets she wanted to unlock.

It was a bad habit of hers to be sure. She couldn’t help it.

Maybe Will Shade was a distraction? An intriguing yet gorgeous conundrum to pull her away from the ache and hurt she was feeling from Oliver’s attentions to Sara.

“Look, it’s fine. It’s a terrible flaw of mine to just blurt things out without thinking them through, and it’s especially worse when I’m nervous - extremely nervous.”

He nodded, but his one eye stared at her so intensely she felt like he was charging a bomb inside her with his mind.

“Why would you be nervous?” he asked simply. His tone, his accent, and his words slid over her like hot oil.

She laughed nervously, wondering if she’d ever grow out of this stage of uncomfortableness around him. She didn’t want to scare him off. She didn’t want to upset him or annoy him where she was just another waste of fifteen minutes of his business trip.

“I...have a lack of proper social skills...maybe?”

“Look, I understand, Felicity,” he said, and the way he said her name felt duplicitous, either like old classical music fused with another side of burgeoning suspense. It was a little frightening, but her curiosity of him only fueled her to discover more.

“You’re a loner. I am too. It’s hard dealing with people. Computers are probably more comfortable for you,” he said.

She sighed. “You have a point there.”

“Well, I find my sanctuary in fitness, yoga and believe it or not, meditation,” he said.

She cocked her head. “Oh really?” It was another interesting development in the biography of this mysterious guy. She leaned forward. She almost had forgotten about her dinner, and took a moment to at least eat a small bite of her panini.

“I’ve been all over the world, Felicity. I’ve seen a lot of things. Every genre you can think of: tragedy, drama, romance...grief… I’ve seen it all,” he admitted, and she was curious to why it was so easy for him to open up to her. Was he really that interested in her?

If he truly was, she had doubts. Most of the time Felicity Smoak was overlooked. Most of the time people were asking who she was and what she was even doing there. She was more like the background furniture in a play than a starring role.

How could this man be interested in her at all so quickly? There was more to it. There was more to him.

Felicity wasn’t looking at the time, but in the back of her mind she really didn’t want this dinner to end. She wanted to immerse herself in the life story of this man. It was more interesting than pining for Oliver, knowing he’d never her see her the way she saw him.

And it was a delicious distraction - if she could put Oliver out of her mind, just a little, maybe she could even face Sara again - and all Sara’s pitying and knowing looks.

When her phone beeped, she groaned. Will’s voice trailed off from the interruption, and she reluctantly looked at her message.

It was a text from Oliver. “Where are you? Need you now.”

She almost had to laugh. She sighed instead. “Looks like my boss can’t figure out his WIFI again. I swear, all that power and he’s completely clueless.” Will nodded at her. “I gotta go. I’m sorry for taking off…”

She stared at him, and for a moment neither of them said anything. Felicity could feel him studying her, trying to read what was going on with her as much as she had tried reading him.

“I guess we’ll have to meet up again…” He smiled and rose from his seat. “Gonna be here at the same time tomorrow?”

She tilted her head and considered. “I could be.” She watched him smile hopefully. She swore she felt her toes tingle.

“Alright, I could see you then, Felicity,” he said, and she felt almost immobile in his stare. She backed up, waved lightly and quickly, and took off in a dash through the Corner Bakery door and back to her apartment parking lot.

She sped back to the lair and anxiety and worry filled her bones. She knew this was part of the life she chose, and she would do anything for Oliver.

But Felicity couldn’t help be a little disappointed that whatever this emergency was, it was taking her away from something - and even someone, she didn’t want to leave.


The moment she headed toward her computer station, Oliver was charging toward her, already geared up and ready for battle. Sara hovered in the background, sticking random knives in hidden places in her Canary costume. Felicity spied one that she’d hid in her wig, and even she thought that was kind of cool.

“I thought you were here already; everything alright?” he asked.

She furrowed her brow. “I went out for a panini.”

Despite her answer, Oliver still looked tense. He looked her over, and Felicity felt almost annoyed at the way he was searching out her expression. Was he looking for regret? Sadness? Was he looking for anything bothering her that might make him feel miserable for choosing Sara?

“What’s the status?” Felicity called out to Digg, who came around and briefed her as Sara and Oliver offered their points.

“More sightings of super-powered goons tearing up the Glades. This time they are raiding painkiller shipments, among other things: technology components, and even chemicals used in laboratories. This is huge stuff,” Digg said.

“They’re stocking up for something big,” Oliver said, and Felicity settled on in her chair and let her fingers dance over the keyboards.

“Okay, I’ve picked up their whereabouts from a couple of hacked surveillance feeds. Looks like they’ve taken over a few abandoned manufacturing buildings north of the Glades near the stockyards.”

“Alright, Digg, Sara, let’s move,” Oliver said, and he met Felicity’s eyes with a concerned glance before heading out with Diggle at his heels. Sara saw the exchange, brief as it was, and approached Felicity suddenly before taking off herself.

“Did something happen to you?” she asked.


“You seem...I don’t know, anxious for something...something other than this,” Sara said.

“You can tell all that?” When Sara nodded Felicity sighed. “I met someone tonight.”

Sara froze for a second, but Felicity could see the instant emotion cross over the other woman’s face.



felicity/slade, oliver queen, dark stranger, felicity smoak, minor characters, slade wilson, arrow, felicity/oliver

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