Inuyasha, "Absurd Distractions - Part 18: Quick Lullaby" Sesshoumaru, Kagome | rated PG

Sep 16, 2013 21:37

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Absurd Distractions
Author: Paynesgrey
Chapter Title: 18: Quick Lullaby
Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Word Count: 250
Rated: PG
Universe: CU, post-series
Notes: This is a friendship fic. There will be implications toward the Inuyasha/Kagome ship; however, this serialization will focus on the growing friendship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru, whether Sesshoumaru likes it or not. It's supposed to be a little cracky and fun, and it'll revolve around prompts in various LJ communities. This prompt, "boss battle" was written for iyfic_contest winner 1st place.

Summary: Out of boredom, Kagome rudely begins to meddle in Sesshoumaru's personal life.

Absurd Distractions

Chapter Eighteen: Quick Lullaby

Kagome knew she couldn’t cry and worry for Inuyasha forever. She had to think of something to get out of this situation and rescue him, even if Sesshoumaru silently kept his plans to himself - as expected, and only wanted to involve her in his schemes unless it suited him.

Sniffling slightly, she narrowed her eyes at the imp who seemed to enjoy making her cry. He leered at her with mangled brown teeth, and she had to suppress a shudder.

Upon closer inspection, she realized something about this particular imp youkai. While she was learning about all the youkai in her priestess training with Kaede, she remembered this kind specifically.

“A priestess' voice, no matter how terrible, can affect this imp in an advantageous way,” Kaede had said.

Of course, she thought. Without hesitating, Kagome could only try her theory, and she did. She started slowly, humming a pop tune from her time, Utada Hikaru to be exact, and she watched closely as the imp's eyes widened and ears perked up. When she opened her mouth and the lyrics of the song poured from her lips, the imp’s eyes became glazed over and soon, heavy.

Satisfied by the imp’s quick snoring, Kagome continued to hum lightly to keep the spell going. She turned to Sesshoumaru, whom was intrigued (in which Kagome translated as mildly impressed) and she sung to him very melodiously without interference from the sleeping imp.

“So what do you have planned against this demon collector boss?”

kagome, sesshoumaru, absurd distractions, sess/kag, genfic, inu/kag, inuyasha

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