Inuyasha, "Not Anymore" Kikyou, Inuyasha | rated PG

Sep 16, 2013 21:07

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Not Anymore
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Kikyou, Inuyasha, past Inuyasha/Kikyou
Word Count: 265
Universe: Canon
Warnings: None.
Notes: Written for the "safe answer" challenge at iyfic_contest


She wants him, and she loves him, but she does not want to admit that to herself. She does not want to share him, not with another, not with the living world, and especially not with a copy of herself.

Kikyou would rather destroy him. After she is unnaturally resurrected, she only thinks of his betrayal. Her heart tells her that his actions did not make sense. Her spirit, her upbringing and all her priestess duties would say otherwise. He’s a hanyou; it’s his nature. He’s always meant to steal the jewel. Inuyasha never meant to love her, not as a normal human would a woman.

But she learns the truth about Naraku, and everything changes. She almost fools herself that they could start over again, that they could love each other as if no time has passed.

Perhaps she could have a second chance with him.

Not with this body, she scoffs angrily, and the reality is like a dagger, slicing off that missing piece of herself that now belongs to someone else.

I am dead, just a body fueled by vengeance and a few borrowed souls, she thinks, and anger, regret and anguish bubble inside her, spreading across her foolish dreams and soaking her with bleak fatal purpose.

No, she thinks, she can no longer love Inuyasha. She no longer has the right. Hope fades, and she simply clings to her mission to exact revenge instead.

And If she ever asks herself the question again: Do you love him? She bitterly cries and tells herself no more.

For it is the safe answer.

kikyou, inuyasha/kikyou, inuyasha

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