Inuyasha, "Best Friend" Souta, rated G

Feb 12, 2013 21:11

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Best Friend
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Souta, mystery character
Word Count: 250
Universe: Canon, Post-Series
Rated: G
Genre: Drama/Friendship
Warnings: None.
Notes: Written for the "Long Distance" challenge for iyfic_contest

Summary: His best friend had always been a little strange.

His best friend, Souta decided, had always been strange.

Souta had suspected this the moment the red-haired, green-eyed boy had saved him from the car that’d almost hit him, or how he’d felt something familiar about an obviously foreign boy who spoke perfect Japanese.

He’d found it slightly creepy how his friend had clung to him, declaring himself Souta’s protector while still getting him into trouble wherever they would go.

Souta cherished his friend; though, it had taken some time, but they’d had fun - more fun than he’d ever thought he’d have after his sister had left, and after his family had fallen into a somber lull, secretly broken and desperate for resolve.

Then, his friend had shown up, almost serendipitously; however, Souta didn’t believe that for a minute, and later, a conversation proved that.

He met his friend’s green eyes over a steaming cup of tea, and he was still processing the words that had just escaped his lips.

“I knew your sister,” he said, as if to explain all the reasons why he’d become Souta’s friend in the first place, why he’d seemed so strange, yet so familiar. “No, sorry, that’s wrong. I know your sister.”

His best friend, Shippou, was grinning at him. Souta slumped back into the chair. He knew what this meant. The length of time that had distanced them before seemed to vanish with this one hopeful phrase.

Kagome, his sister, had survived time; she was here, and Souta could see her again.

minor characters, genfic, inuyasha

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