Doctor Who, "Serendipity" Eleven, Rose Tyler | rated G

May 11, 2012 23:06

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: Serendipity
Author: Paynesgrey
Word Count: 500
Characters: Eleventh Doctor, young Rose Tyler
Rated: G
Spoilers/Warnings: None.
Notes: Written for the "kiss" theme at who-contest.

Summary: The Doctor happens upon a younger Rose Tyler, who already knows him.

The Doctor, of course, was never to meet his other selves in time; though, it was just as tricky to avoid running into his past companions, and sometimes he would be blindsided by such surprising serendipity.

Like now, when a small girl of blond braids framing her face collided against him, squeezing her arms around his lanky legs, almost throwing him off-balance.

“Dr. Smithe!” she cried, and he looked down and his blood turned cold when he met the eyes of a younger Rose Tyler. She had to be no more than eleven - maybe twelve, and she had obviously met him before.

Right, timey-whimey stuff, he told himself.

Her eyes danced as she stared at him. “You’re still wearing that silly bow tie!” she exclaimed, and the Doctor was still processing why she was here - or why he was even here.

Why did the TARDIS bring me here? It seems that Rose needs me, but why?

“Rose Tyler,” he said breathlessly. She giggled at him.

“You always say my full name,” she commented demurely. “You came back. You said you wouldn’t, but that...”

He had guessed. He was sure his future self had told her something vague and impossible that he may come back to her, but she wouldn’t really know. Or, like some of his other companions that he stumbled upon like this, he would break their hearts and tell them they’d never see him again.

“Rose.” He bent down to hug her now, and she chattered wildly at him, asking him if he would help her with her Math homework again, or if he’d steal her away to the park, just so she could get some peace away from her mum.

In his hug, he kissed her temple and he felt her relax against him. Stiffening, he felt scared at how close his future self had gotten to her. “Rose,” he said forlornly. “I have to go, but I just...popped by to see if you were doing okay.” He hated lying, but he had to make a break.

“But you can’t. You came at the perfect time!” she exclaimed. “I need your help. You remember those girls I told you about?”

He didn’t but he nodded. He had a feeling “those girls” were bullying his Rose.

“Well, they’ve followed me. I ran and saw you, and I knew that if you were with me...” She stopped and suddenly froze, setting her eyes on a trio of larger, older girls who eyed Rose like hungry wolves. The Doctor took her hand and pulled her close.

“Come along, Rose Tyler,” he said, feeling instantly invincible and ready to protect Rose no matter what. She leaned closer to him, nodding against his side. “Let’s go.”

This was it, he thought, and he knew that he was supposed to be here. The universe wouldn’t split apart at this one moment.

He would take this one last adventure with Rose Tyler and any more that Time would so generously allow.

genfic, rose tyler, dr who, the doctor (eleven)

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