The Avengers, "The Flip Side" Darcy/Loki || Chapter Three

May 06, 2012 12:46

Title: The Flip Side
Author: paynesgrey
Artist: zephre
Beta: psyco_chick32
Rating: R/M
Word Count: 23,665
Type: Het(mostly), Romance, Comedy, Adventure
Characters/Pairings: Darcy Lewis, Loki, Thor, Jane Foster, Clint Barton, ensemble || Darcy/Loki, Darcy/Clint, Clint/Loki, Jane/Thor
Notes/Spoilers: Avengers AU-compliant. There are no spoilers for the Avengers movie. Written for avengers_bang.
Warnings: gore, dubious consent, possession, manipulation, sexual situations

Summary: In punishment for his crimes, Odin destroys Loki's body to imprison his soul. After a narrow escape, Loki comes to Midgard and plans his revenge by taking over the body of Jane's assistant, Darcy Lewis. The girl who loves tasers, however, does not make things easy for him.

Chapter Three: The Not-So-Obvious Choice

Darcy soooo wanted to post this on Facebook, but she knew that Coulson and Fury would have collective heart attacks, die and then haunt her on the toilet and then manage to come back to life to fire her.

So when S.H.I.E.L.D operative - well, hot and doubly hot, Clint Barton did a body shot off her generously endowed chest and then grinned triumphantly at her, Darcy reveled in the moment.

“Those things are a dangerous weapon, ma’am,” Clinton Barton said, licking up the rest of the lime and pointing to her chest. “You got a permit for those?”

“By God himself,” Darcy said, raising her chin. Holy hell, she was glad she was not slurring and still acting like a bad-ass in front of him despite her drunkenness. She gave him a coy grin. “A girl’s gotta protect herself, you know.” He whistled at her and chuckled at her. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her, and she knew that if she could just stay on her feet an hour or so longer, she would become one of his conquests, and hell, that was totally okay with her.

“But it’s always good to have a backup plan, right?” Clint said, glancing at her taser that poked out of her purse on the bar table.

“Girl’s best friend,” Darcy said. “Instead of diamonds, but those are nice too.”

“Something tells me you’re not much of a diamonds kind of girl,” Clint said, ordering another round. Shit, he was going to get her even more drunk.

“You’d be surprised,” Darcy said, and she took the shot that was flung at her. Turning to her left, she saw Tony Stark grin at her. Okay, so that was weird, and this was some party. Plus, alcohol seemed to make Tony a lot cheerier. He was staring at her tits too; at least, he wasn’t quickly averting his eyes from them, as he did at work. Darcy lifted her drink to toast him, and she saw Steve tap Tony’s shoulder and shoot him a warning look.

“Hey... Clint,” Darcy was slurring now. “What’s the deal with Steve and Tony. Are they...”

“Uh,” Clint stuttered, and clearly he did not want to approach the subject. “Hey, how about some food. We could order the poppers?” He deflected, and he gave her one of his irresistible smirks that left her feet a puddle of goo. “You like spices?”

She leaned against the table on a propped elbow, staring at him with fuzzy and starry eyes. “Uh huh,” she hiccuped, and Clint laughed at her.

“Spicy poppers it is,” he said, and he’d leaned close to whisper to her. She could feel his warm breath, and she lurched forward just as he pulled away. What a tease! He laughed when his eyes danced at realizing her intention. Darcy pouted as he turned to the waitress and ordered their food.

If anything, Darcy could see Clint drawing this flirtation out all evening long. Maybe she was moving too fast, and he’d lose interest the moment he saw that she was too easy. Well, Darcy could wait. She could make it interesting too.

She unbuttoned the thin green cardigan to reveal her snug black Cami shirt that snugly hugged her curves. Some heads turned and she slid the cardigan over the back of her chair and stretched her arms into the air. She felt her breasts dance, and she cheered for attention. “So who’s going to buy me another tequila shot?”

In a snap of her fingers, five shots were put in front of her. She grinned at her admirers joyously.


Loki watched as Darcy Lewis, the definite host of his new temporary body, fell face down onto the bar table in a drunken stupor. The girl had taken on more alcohol than she could handle, and those around her let out a collective sigh of disappointment as she was finally out.

Clint Barton seemed the most disappointed, and he surely didn’t appreciate the quick lecture the wholesome Captain America had given him about taking responsibility for Darcy and driving her home.

Complying, Clint moved to heft Darcy against him, and Loki knew it was his chance. When he hovered over her, he could feel that she was completely out. Sliding into her like a phantom serpent, he felt a weak spiritual opening in her skull, just below the third eye chakra. He felt the electric charge of her brain as nerves screamed at his intrusion. Subduing them with a mystical whisper, he slid inside her. He took control of her muscles and the motion of her breathing first. Soon, he became ruler of all her functions, and he reached out inside her mind, finding her consciousness still sleeping, and still unaware of his possession.

Blinking her eyes open, he mumbled through her voice. Clint, who was carrying her out of the bar, felt her stir.

“Darcy?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” Loki said through her voice. He realized that now he had to become a believable Darcy, and Loki hoped that he had studied her enough that Clint wouldn’t get suspicious. Of course, he’d have some leeway at first; Darcy did appear incredibly pissed drunk to him, and he’d think that she was not herself anyway.

Clint chuckled at her. “Of course you’re fine. You had like three martinis and eight shots of tequila. I’m surprised you’re not dead to the world and that you can even speak.”

You have no idea, fool, Loki thought, and in the back of his mind he could still feel Darcy sleeping unaware.

He managed a small giggle through Darcy’s lips, and he could tell that Clint was definitely affected by the sound. The man practically was drenched in lust for the girl. Of course, Loki could use that to his advantage someday. Perhaps Clint Barton, who was one of Fury’s most trusted operatives, could get him the access to Asgard that he desired.

Loki turned to him with Darcy’s best pout. “Thank you for not leaving me there. You’re a real hero,” she said, laughing.

“Haha, very funny, Darcy,” Clint said, and Loki swung out of Clint’s arms and spun away from him with a little dance.

“Are you taking me back to Stark Tower?” she asked him, swaying against him. He came up to her and gripped her arms, pulling her against him.

“You know I am. I have to or Steve will kill me. You didn’t tell me he was your protector, not me,” Clint said, and Loki almost gagged when the man leaned close to her.

Instead, Loki smiled.

Loki gave him a coy smile, the same smile Darcy had given him before she’d drank herself into oblivion. “Do you really want to be my protector or something else...”

Clint’s smirk increased. He paused for a long beat and then sighed as he looked her over. “Jesus, Darcy, you’re killing me. You know I can’t do anything with you now.”

“Why not?” she flirted, rubbing against him. He pushed her away gently.

“Because you’re drunk, and you won’t remember a thing,” he said softly, and then his tone turned humorous. “If anything’s going to happen,” he said, lightly kissing the top of her nose. “You’re damn well going to remember.”

“I’ll have to hold you to that, Barton,” Darcy said, letting out a disappointed sigh, but Loki was partially grateful he wouldn’t have to go through something like that - yet. He still had to get used to Darcy’s body, and he didn’t know how much control he had over her yet. In an unconscious state, sure he had full control, but he’d never possessed a human before, and if Darcy had any of that strong will he knew she had, he would be ready for an internal battle with her.

He wasn’t one to be afraid, but he’d like to be cautious, and if Darcy was a strong enough human woman, he could likely kick him out of her body for good. Then, he’d have to start all over again to get to his body back.

No, Loki would take it easy with her. He couldn’t waste any more time.


When Darcy woke up the next day, she felt like she had eaten a hundred dead cats. Plus, she was thirsty, achy, and she had this sneaking suspicion she had an awesome time last night, only that the Gods of Booze had stolen her golden memories in a cruel joke.

Rising from her bed, she realized something was off immediately. Instead of waking up in her luxurious and cozy bed at Stark Tower, she found herself somewhere else. Shit.

But it didn’t feel like she’d crashed at someone’s house. No. It felt like she was still dreaming.

Her breath still tasted like dead cats, but she was sure as shit dreaming.

“Ah, you’re awake, good,” a male voice said behind her. Darcy jumped, panicking immediately as she did not recognize the male voice. Even if it was a sexy British voice, she still got Stranger-Danger vibes.

Spinning around, she met his green eyes in this weird dreamy white space, and she could feel her whole body go numb as she recognized him. Flushing instantly, her gaze swept over him quickly and she tried to halt the instant attraction she had for the villain to no avail.

Holy shit it was Loki, Thor’s evil brother!

“Ah!!!! Did I sleep with you? I’m sorry, dude. Really, it meant nothing. Tequila and I don’t get along and I...” She clutched the phantom blankets to her chest and looked down. She wasn’t clutching blankets, but she was thankfully a white robe? No, wait. She thought of something more appropriate, like her Star Trek t-shirt and blue jeans, and in an instant she was wearing them.


“If you haven’t already guessed, this is not a dream but rather we are inside your mind,” Loki explained. He stood sitting regally on a green Cleopatra couch that seemed to be floating among heavenly clouds around their feet.

“We...?” Suddenly it dawned on her at what he said. “What do you mean we are in my mind?”

Loki grinned evilly at her. “I do apologize for the inconvenience, mortal, but I’m afraid I’ve taken possession of your body.”

Darcy gaped at him. “You’re …hitchhiking in my body!”

“Indeed,” he said simply, which infuriated her.

“Get your own damn body!” she said petulantly, and she didn’t know how it happened, but she had conjured up a pillow in her mind and flung it at him. Effortlessly, he moved to the side and avoided the impact. He continued to smirk.

“I would if All-Father had not destroyed it, so I believe I’ll take yours. It will prove useful until you can help me get my body back.”

“Hell no! Go find someone else stupid enough to help you! I want you out!” she screamed at him, and she saw the uncomfortable twist of his lips and wrinkle in his brow after she roared at him. Did her anger have some effect on him? Was he fighting her?

Feeling strangely sleepy again, Darcy felt her body numb, as if she was being drugged. She slumped back down in the amorphous white space onto something as fluffy as a cloud. Did he hold some spell on her? Loki was known for using magic as his main power; she had snooped that much from his file one time, and if it were true, then she was royally fucked.

But she wouldn’t go on without a fight. It was her body after all.

She glared up at him as he approached her, and as he got closer, she cursed herself for admiring how tall he was, and how unnaturally handsome. She bit on her lip and frowned as he smirked at her.

“I’m afraid you have no choice in the matter, Ms. Lewis. Your body is mine, and you will not get it back until you help me retrieve my own, which has been wrongfully taken and destroyed,” he warned.

“And if I don’t help you get your body back?” Darcy asked, mustering all the energy she could to fight his numbing spell.

“Then I’m afraid I’ll take your body over completely and keep it forever,” he said.

“And me? What about me?” she asked desperately, already knowing she wasn’t going to like his answer.

“Ah, you mean your soul. Well, that I can’t be sure of,” he said. “I have never taken possession of a mortal’s body before, so I gather if you’re not strong enough to share this body with me, the weaker soul will eventually fade away. You’ll be gone forever,” he said. His voice although calm, seemed like a scratching of nails on her bones.

“You can’t do this, you creep! Get the hell out of my body right now!” she yelled, leaping up and wishing she had her taser. Instead, she made a fist and clocked him on the cheek. Startled, he stepped back, clutching the phantom wound. Apparently, within this space of her mind, she couldn’t hurt him. She couldn’t even make him bleed.

He looked momentarily startled by her actions, and then his lips thinned as he glowered at her. “Very well, I hear your take on the matter. Perhaps I should convince you of my power over your body, and then you’ll be more cooperative.” Darcy’s mouth gaped. She caught the mischievous glint in his green eyes and she knew he was planning something, something she was sure she wouldn’t like.

“Wait...What...What are you going to do?” Darcy sputtered at him.

“You will see,” he said, spinning around, and when she blinked, all she saw was a fading green and black dust spiral as he departed, leaving her in the all-consuming white mist.

Chapter Four

the avengers, darcy, jane/thor, thor, minor characters, the flip side, loki, loki/darcy, darcy/clint, jane foster

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