Once Upon a Time, "Hot as Ice" Regina/Graham || Rated MA

Apr 16, 2012 22:09

Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Title: Hot as Ice
Author: Paynesgrey
Rated: MA/X
Word Count: 226
Pairing: Regina/Graham
Warnings: sexual situations
Spoilers: None, early Season 1.
AN: Written for the "Warm" challenge at fanfic_bakeoff.

Summary: She's so hot, but why does he feel so cold?

She’s warm, and he feels the line of heat that her tongue trails in the center dip of his chest. Her nails scorch like fire pokers digging into his back as she grinds into him. Her legs wrap around him like a tourniquet, around his torso, around his soul.

He pushes inside her, far as he can go, and he wonders what he’s really reaching for. Is there something deep within her that belongs to him, that he has to touch before he dies?

No. All he finds there is darkness, filled with her echoing laughter that paints an inky sheen over his brain.

He takes her, fucks her, and her grasp is a reminder that he belongs to her.

It should feel nice to belong to someone, to feel this close to another’s heat when his life is filled with such loneliness, when he dreams of death and dark and a body without a spirit. His body.

“Graham,” she sighs huskily against him, her warm breath over the curve of his shoulder, and he plunges further, emptying himself into nothingness. Her lips capture him, and he feels her warmth again, but it’s all her. None of it is his, and he wonders.

How can she be so hot, and this close, when all he feels is the icy frost of her scratching against his heart?

regina/graham, regina, graham, fanfic bakeoff, once upon a time

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