Heroes, "Home Away From Home: A Hiro's Journey Never Ends" Hiro | rated G

Dec 27, 2011 21:35

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Home Away From Home: A Hiro's Journey Never Ends
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Hiro Nakamura, Ando/Kimiko, mention of Tracy
Word Count: 300
Rating: G (PG-13 for series)
Genre: Drama/Adventure
Warnings/Spoilers: Post-Series canon. No warnings.
Notes: Written for the "sticky" prompt for fanfic_bakeoff. This is the second part of my "Home Away from Home" serialization. The previous part is here.

Summary: Hiro thinks about his destiny after getting a letter from Tracy Strauss.

Hiro watched his best friend rest his hand over his sister’s growing belly. He smiled thoughtfully, excited for the baby to be born soon. Ando would have little time for helping Hiro save the world now, but Hiro was glad his friend could be a hero to his niece.

His smile faded at the thought. Ando was now more bound to his father’s company and family life than he was.

What am I suppose to do now? Hiro thought, and he almost felt dizzy thinking of the possibilities. He could go through time and check out history, only the temptation to right past wrongs would be too strong. No, he wouldn’t dare time travel much, not so far back in the history that he damaged too many butterflies. The incident with Kensei had been enough of a sticky situation that he’d dare not repeat.

Hiro had already said his goodbyes before he decided what he had to do. He wouldn’t give up a hero’s life. It was still his destiny, and the world needed him now more than ever; especially, after Claire Bennet jumped off the Ferris Wheel. Most of the world believed it as a trick, but some people had believed it, extremists and conspiracy theorists who were already exhibiting great fear and unrest.

He lightly shook the thoughts away and dug inside his pocket, and he pulled out the letter he received last week. It had been well-read, and after a long discussion with Ando and Kimiko, Hiro had decided to take up Tracy Strauss’s offer.

Blinking through time and space, Hiro looked up at the front door of the halfway house. He glanced at the sign that read: Strauss and Sanders Training Home and Retreat.

He felt his excitement bubbling already as he approached the front door.

heroes, minor characters, tracy, ando, hiro, home away from home, fanfic bakeoff

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