Thor, "The Dark Knight" Loki/Darcy, part 19 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Nov 20, 2011 19:25

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: The Dark Knight
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Darcy, Jane, OCs, Loki/Darcy
Word Count: 3,045
Spoilers/Warnings: post-Thor movie, some violence, implied sexual situations, and implied non-con
Notes: Written for the "#023 - The devil’s contract" prompt for 100_fairytales. Part 19 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here. The first part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Loki comes to Darcy's rescue, but with drastic consequences.

Mischief and Tasers

Chapter Nineteen: The Dark Knight

Darcy didn’t expect Heath to compare to anyone beyond Loki and Thor in the looks department, but when her date showed up, her defenses were down enough that her mouth gaped.

Thor had been ripped; Darcy still had dreams of him and she was certainly not ashamed of that. However, she knew Thor was always off-limits, especially when he and Jane liked each other so much. But Darcy wasn’t dead, and she sure as hell ogled the God of Thunder when he was around.

Heath could have been Thor’s little brother, and duh, she knew that Loki was but Loki looked nothing like Thor, and well, as he’d confided in her one time, he was adopted. It made sense (you know, his issues and all.)

Heath was All-American, blond hair and blue eyes and definitely spent a healthy amount of time in the gym, and he had a smile that Darcy was sure could kill her if she stared at it like idiots stared at the sun.

How did Tammy’s son not have girls beating him off with a stick? That thought worried Darcy. People could definitely be charming on the outside, but she wondered how he’d be after two hours into their date.

So course she packed her trusty taser.

Heath chatted with her at the door, and Darcy fidgeted nervously in front of him, knowing that Loki was keeping out of sight that day, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t wicked enough to pop up and spoil everything.

When he didn’t, Darcy invited Heath in for a moment before they set off to the steak house that Heath chose. Darcy didn’t mind it; she’d never heard of the place anyway, and apparently it was in the next town over, which was about ten miles north.

“I always eat here when I’m coming back from work,” he said with a mega-watt grin that matched his mother’s, and Darcy knew where he’d gotten his smile. Of course, it looked better on Heath.

“That’s cool. I’m all about the meat-eating and such,” Darcy said, and she noticed immediately that Heath’s gaze directed to her boobs when she talked. Okay, that was annoying, she thought, but it wasn’t like she didn’t instigate it with the outfit she wore. Though, if he acted more charming maybe she’d be more willing to jump him tonight.

So far, the more Heath talked about cattle, horses, the desert, his job as a cattle rancher, blah, blah, and still stared at her boobs as she talked, she found him less interesting by the minute. So what if he had a pretty face?

They talked about their interests, and he had barely zero interest in anything technological, which was like 90% of her interests. He didn’t even have a Facebook page, and Darcy found that just plain weird.

The only music he liked was Country and Western. Seriously? How were they separate genres?

And when his food came, he had the worst table manners she’d ever seen, and Darcy had been exposed to frat boys. Drunk frat boys and even intergalactic gods that threw coffee on the floor and thought it was complimentary, and Heath was worse than any of them.

Darcy was starting to dislike Heath more and more. Even his laugh was getting annoying, and maybe she was being unfair, but she started to notice little things that would probably start to disgust her more if they continued dating. Like how he had the biggest forehead she’d ever seen, and there was this weird mole growth under his chin she suddenly couldn’t stop looking at. How did she not notice these things in the beginning?

After dinner, Darcy reluctantly agreed to go to a bar with Heath, a place he claimed had a dance floor and good music (probably country, ew, but whatever, she thought). Darcy only wanted to get a drink, and knowing how he handled dinner (she couldn’t believe he made her pay Dutch) she probably would have to pay for that Margarita herself.

Ugh. But damn, she really wanted a drink. Maybe the booze would make Heath magically transform into someone less annoying.

When Heath copped a feel of her ass as she was getting into his car, Darcy realized that not even booze would make this night better.

She suddenly wished Loki had interfered and stopped this date from the beginning.


Heath danced like a cracked-out gorilla. Seriously, Darcy had to excuse herself to the bathroom several times, whether it was to laugh her ass off or hide from the embarrassment from being with such a total loser. Even girls on the dance floor looked at her with the worst pity ever.

And, Jesus, he was handsy. He’d pawed her boobs so much while dancing, she almost asked him if he'd found cancer yet.

Darcy thought of one way to save her from this situation. She had to find an excuse to leave. He didn’t need to take her back. She just needed to leave, and the only idea she could formulate was she had to puke her guts out, in front of everybody, so that Heath was embarrassed enough to bail.

She only hoped that such a display would not make him think he’d get some tonight because that was SO not happening.

Darcy could think of the one, sure-fire thing that would make her puke. Hot sauce and vodka. She had some terrible trouble with such a combination (don’t ask) in college that the mere thought of the two made her stomach lurch.

It was perfect then, and she asked for a Bloody Mary, heavy on the Tabasco. After two sips, that horrid red meat dinner was starting to come back. Heath looked concerned (for her sick boobs, probably) and came over to see if she was okay. Then, she timed it.

“I don’t feel so good,” she said, putting a hand against him to push him back. “Get back.”

Then, Darcy hurled everywhere. Gasps of shock and disgust rang out through the club, and she was silently cheering for victory as Heath escorted her out. Also, she knew she had puke-breath, and no man in his right mind would try anything on her now.

Or so she thought.

The moment Heath got her alone by his car, Darcy could tell something was not right. He wasn’t in a hurry to let her into his car, and he was directing her wobbly body toward him. He spun her around so quickly it made Darcy dizzy, and she felt herself backed up against his car.

Then, his sloppy lips were on hers, and she thought she was going to puke again. She was so disgusted that she started to fight him. He was strong, too strong that she hated how she admired his muscles before.

“Mmmh!” she said, his lips still clamped on hers. She began scratching, but he wouldn’t relent. He just kept pushing until his hands were all over her like snakes, pulling at her clothes, squeezing her breasts, and dipping into her skirt. Darcy froze. Oh hell no, she was not getting raped, not now, and not by this idiot.

She discreetly reached a hand in her purse, hoping he wouldn’t notice, digging for her taser gun. When she grasped the hilt, she felt a wave of relief.

Only Heath’s hands had stopped pawing her. His lips weren’t as fiercely pushing at hers.

And it was cold. Really freaking cold like winters in Canada.

Uh oh, Darcy thought. She blinked, peering up in the frozen face of her horrible date. He still looked like he was engrossed in forcing himself on her, only stuck in amber like a bug. He wasn’t moving, and given how unnatural his state was, Darcy was damn sure that he could be dead.

Shit. Her date was dead, and there was only one person who she knew could do this.

“Loki?” she breathed, and she spun around to her left where he was standing, a dark expression overtaking his face. “What...what did you do?”

“Be a little more grateful, Ms. Lewis. I saved you from this Neanderthal,” Loki said, an air of smugness prevalent in his tone. His green eyes were full of fury, and he stared at the frozen boy with unyielding malice. Darcy shuddered as she stared at him, feeling the dark, bitter emotions rolling off him in waves.

“You didn’t have to freeze him!” Darcy said, freaking out. “I had it covered!” She pulled out her taser to show him.

He looked at her weapon but seemed unimpressed. “I was not confident you could take this brute by yourself. I’ve taken down trolls smaller than him, but you, Darcy, are merely mortal.”

“With a goddamned taser!” she squeaked, and quickly she smacked him in the shoulder. “You ass! Unfreeze him now!”

Loki cocked his head. “You wish to save this disgusting worm after what he did to you?”

“I don’t want to kill him! I just wanted to tase him,” Darcy said. “When you think about it, it’s a lot safer, and well, he has a chance to, you know, not be dead!”

“He does not deserve to live after the way he treated you,” Loki said coldly, and Darcy felt her own blood chill at the sound of his words.

“Yeah...maybe,’s really messy and complicated when you kill someone on earth. Plus, his mother and Jane Foster both know I was with him tonight! If they are asked by the police about him, they’ll point to me, and since I sure as hell can’t freeze a guy like this, then they’ll come for you!” she said, smacking him again. He seemed unaffected by her shrill tone and swats, but he did at least consider her warning. “You really need to think about these things! You’re the one who wants to hide in the shadows!”

“I did not care about the end result, only for your safety,” he said, turning to her. Darcy backed up and felt him cage her against Heath’s car. He still had a dark look on his face, and she swallowed uncomfortably when he did not avert his eyes from her.

“I appreciate it,” she said, trying to keep her voice calm. “But I can take care of myself. Remember?” She began to plead. “Now please just unfreeze him and then we can go?”

“I still am not convinced this mortal deserves mercy. He tried to take your womanhood. Do you not feel violated from this? Wouldn’t you much prefer your revenge?” Loki asked her. Darcy stilled as his hand reached out and took a stray curl of her hair in his fingers and then tucked it behind her ear. She leaned her cheek against his hand and sighed, closing her eyes and feeling the coldness of his palm.

Loki watched her, but he did not remove his hand from her touch.

“A taser is enough revenge for me, and believe me, Loki, my womanhood is long taken,” she said, feeling her face go hot despite his cold hand.

“But he did not respect you,” Loki said icily, and soon, out of anger he drew his hand away. “No, he will remain as he is.”

“What? Seriously, you’re crazy! He’ll die!” Darcy said, and though she thought she was getting through to him, Loki was still clearly pissed.

“There is one thing you must understand, Darcy. He is not the first mortal who I have killed, and he will not be the last,” he growled.

“What...clearly you have issues! So you still want to kill mortals? Is that your big plan? Come to our planet because you can’t be on yours and then kill everyone?” she asked.

“No,” Loki said, pushing her against the car again. He locked with her eyes in a frightening stare. “I only plan to rule your planet, Darcy.” He hummed softly and touched her hair again, which did not endure her as before. Instead, she felt her body tense, fearful of his unpredictable nature as he treated her like a piece of property. Maybe Loki did consider her a pet, which Darcy felt was totally not cool - and not right.

“You were born to be ruled, love,” he said. “All of you.”

“Is this why you came to my rescue and killed him? You feel like you own me? Well, let’s get something straight! You don’t own me!” She was about to pull out her taser to prove a point, but he boxed her in again, grinning at her madly.

“You are mine, do you understand? I claimed you the moment I had you do my bidding, and you can act tough, and you can trade barbs with me and feel satisfied when you think you win, but you are still a mortal, and I still let you live because you are my mortal, Darcy Lewis,” he whispered in a hiss to her, and he leaned closer toward her ear. “Mine,” he added, his tone was so low and ominous that it sounded like a spell.

Darcy felt stiff and boneless as he entrapped her, and she didn’t want to give in, not to him. She glared at him, but his presence had become so intimidating (and she really didn’t want to join Heath as an ice sculpture) so she bit her lip and said nothing in response.

When he pulled back, feeling like he made his point, she rolled her eyes and snorted. “Whatever, mortal or god, you men are all alike,” she said. “Just so you know, I was more scared of you than I was of him tonight. He was just an annoying dick that was easily taken care of, but you...You are an evil bastard.”

Loki laughed lightly with amusement. “I’m glad you feel that way. It’s the truth, and that’s how you should feel of me. That’s how I want your whole race to regard me.”

But it wasn’t how Darcy completely felt about him. He wasn’t just an evil bastard. Loki was more than that, and sometimes he would open up to her. In those times, she felt she was making progress. Hell no, she knew she couldn’t change him, but maybe, she could at least get him to respect her someday.

Because telling him not to kill people was like asking Jane to stop drinking coffee.

Darcy was still pissed, but she was tired, and she was starting to really doubt that she’d go back to a normal life if Loki felt like he owned her. She made a sour face and looked back at Heath. She furrowed her brow and turned to Loki.

“Can I borrow a favor?” she asked him, and she watched a single eyebrow arch in curiosity. “Unfreeze Heath and I’ll owe you. Anything. I’ll even stop calling you an evil bastard or try to get you on Intervention for Megalomaniacs.”

“I cannot believe you want to save this lowlife, but I will take your request,” he said, and Darcy hoped she was doing the right thing. If she knew anything about the lessons in fairy tales, it was never smart to make deals with Tricksters. (She only hoped that Loki didn’t want her first born. Yikes!)

“Trust me, you do not want the cops sniffing around here, or me for that matter, especially when I was the last person seen with him,” she said.

“I cannot agree that he will survive the thaw,” Loki said cryptically.

“Just do it, please,” Darcy said with a sigh, and she really was afraid Loki would end up killing him. She hoped not. She didn’t want to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D and the cops.

Soon, Darcy watched as Loki waved his hand and dispelled the ice. Slowly, Heath was coming to, and when he was free from the ice, he fell unconscious on his face in the dirt. Quickly, Darcy ran to his side and checked his pulse.

“Still alive,” she said, feeling a wave of relief.

“How miraculous,” Loki drawled sarcastically at her.

Scoffing, she turned to him and met his eyes. “I’m staying with him until the ambulance arrive.”

“Do as you wish,” Loki said, a little perturbed she wasn’t going with him.

“Listen,” Darcy said, and as Loki was about to leave, he stopped and turned back toward her. “I know what you tried to do, and if you would have done something normal like punched the guy out or came to my rescue some other - less fatal way - I would probably be throwing myself all over you.” Loki quirked his eyebrow again. “But you’re dangerous, Loki. Sweet - in this case, and in the most inappropriate way, but still - too dangerous.”

He smirked at her, and when he left, Darcy could hear sirens in the distance. She wondered if Loki was still waiting for her in the shadows somewhere unseen.

When the ambulance and cops arrived, Darcy told him a story that Heath was complaining of chest pains and just collapsed. There was nothing suspicious in that story, and the ice that he’d been covered in was long gone. The medics said his heart was irregular, and Darcy felt relieved that this incident could even look natural.

An officer gave her a ride to her apartment, and Darcy became lost in her thoughts on the way back. She stared out the window and thought of Loki and what he had said to her. He was planning on ruling their whole world, and she was still shacking up with him! Hell, she was still friends with him, and some days she had feelings for him that were so much more than friendly.

The human race was definitely doomed in that case, but Darcy had a feeling she was doomed the worst of them all.

Part Twenty

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, jane foster, thor

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