Doctor Who, "To Bring Him Back" Amy, Eleven | rated G

Nov 19, 2011 12:23

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: To Bring Him Back
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Amelia Pond, the Doctor
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Spoilers/Warnings: No warnings. Early Series 5 canon.
Notes: Written for the "baking" theme at who_contest.

Summary: Amelia Pond wants her Doctor back, so she tries to lure him with food.

It’s been a week since her Raggedy Doctor disappeared after he promised to take her with him through time. Amelia begins to lose hope again, but an idea strikes her to bring him back - lure him with food.

First, she makes fish fingers and custard. She thinks that’ll be easy enough to bring him back, so she bakes the fish sticks and begs Aunt Sharon to make the custard, and she sits and waits for him - hoping he’ll be drawn out of his time machine into her kitchen.

The Doctor doesn’t come, and Amelia Pond stuffs herself with too many fish fingers and custard.

She doesn’t give up. She tries the next week. And the next, until her Aunt Sharon thinks she’s gone mad.

She makes the dish so much, Amelia gets sick of it. The Doctor fails to come, and the only thing she really succeeds at is a distaste for fish fingers and custard altogether.

It isn’t until he finally returns and brings it up that Amy remembers she’d made the disgusting dish at all. He’s grinning at her, jubilantly spinning them around the TARDIS.

“What do you say, Amy? Let’s reminisce and cook up some fish fingers and custard?” He beams at her excitedly and Amy makes a sour face. Instantly, the Doctor’s glee disappears.

She feels bad, but her stomach lurches to the idea. She’s been waiting so long for her Raggedy Doctor, and though she’s still bitter he left her, could she really refuse his request?

She nods hesitantly, but she crosses her arms and meets his eyes sternly. “You do know I grew out of this, don’t you?”

“Oh, come on, Amy!” The Doctor says, putting his arm around her and drawing her close. “You should never do that! Now, let’s eat!”

amy pond, genfic, dr who, challenge, the doctor (eleven)

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