Heroes, "The Devil and Her Treasures" chapter 4

Oct 14, 2011 15:07

Fandom: Heroes
Title: The Devil and Her Treasures
Author: paynesgrey
Artist: rebelle_elle
Word Count: 23,514
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Claire, Peter, Sylar, Elle, Noah Jr, Nathan, Rene, Danko, Knox, Daphne, Claire/Elle, Elle/Sylar, past Peter/Claire
Warnings character death, manipulation, implied incest, torture, violence, sexual situations

Notes: Written for heroes_bigboom. A huge thanks goes to bellonablack for the beta job. This is a sequel to my other fic, Grave New World, and takes place in the "exposed future" around the events of the “Second Coming” and “I am Become Death” episodes, as well as the “Resistance” online graphic novel chapter 106 (which I would recommend reading if you want some early chapters to make sense).

Summary: Renowned terrorist Peter Petrelli has been hiding Sylar, Elle and their son for a long time after Noah Bennet’s death, and when Pinehearst Agent Claire Bennet finally discovers them, they strike a deal to leave Sylar and his son alone, as long as Elle becomes Claire’s prisoner.

Link to art master post: HERE.

The Devil and Her Treasures

Chapter Four: Out of the Shadows

For years now, Gabriel and Elle Gray and their son Noah Gray Jr. had been living on the run, hiding under disguises and fake names by the protection of their most trusted ally, Peter Petrelli. They knew that Peter was fighting Pinehearst, not only to keep them hidden, but also to sabotage Pinehearst’s ultimate goals as told to them by the late Angela Petrelli. Elle and Gabriel, however, couldn’t join Peter in that fight, and Peter knew that too. Their main concern was keeping Noah Jr. safe. His abilities were astounding, having empathy just like his uncle Peter but more in control at such an early age. Noah’s grasp of his abilities helped him have more of a normal life, well…as much of one as any young boy could have with fugitive parents, but Noah was content despite this. It was easier for him to turn his powers “on” and “off” and under the direction of his father he kept them off for the most part. At the age of three, Noah could even understand that having abilities made him special, but he knew that he couldn’t display them, that some people wouldn’t understand. Also, he seemed to understand his parents’ lifestyle on the run, and making a display of his powers was definitely against the household rules.

Gabriel and Elle couldn’t be happier with a son like Noah, and over the years, with no one else by her side but her son and Gabriel, Elle began to warm to Gabriel. It wasn’t too long after that she finally accepted them as a true family, instead of just acting as one. She even stopped calling him Sylar, which was difficult for her at first, and when she stopped using it as a slight, Gabriel was sure Elle was finally trustworthy, and someone he could consider more than just the mother of his child.

Then, he moved to make things proper - taking her on dates, starting over and knowing that they had liked each other at one point, beyond Elle’s orders from the Company, and beyond the monster Gabriel had once been. They had both sworn off all of that and their bloody past. Though new names did not change who they were, the various identities certainly helped them start over to pursue a better life.

When Gabriel kissed Elle that evening after tucking Noah into bed, their house - the fifth one they’d rented on the run - had suddenly become a home. Noah noticed when his parents suddenly started sharing a bedroom, laughing more together, and asking Noah if he’d like to have a sister or brother someday.

It seemed like a plausible dream, even beyond Elle’s dyed curly red hair and Gabriel’s bleached eyebrows and frosted spiky tips. Even beyond what Noah learned as their “working” names, with Elle and Gabriel going by Marie and William Treble. Noah even liked his “working” name as Tanner. His mommy had gotten it from a soap opera.

However, as they settled into their new home in the Portland suburbs, a visit from Uncle Peter had indicated their life would have to change again. They’d spent six months already as the Trebles, and Elle had begun to enjoy her second shift temp job at a printing factory while Gabriel stayed home and worked as an off-site IT specialist for a bank.

When Gabriel opened his front door and found Peter there, his warm smile faded into an expression of worry. “Peter, what a surprise. Elle was just making some homemade chili.” Gabriel tried to smile. He was glad to see his brother again, and despite what had happened between them a few years ago, he was grateful for the things Peter had sacrificed for him and his family, and he didn’t think he could ever repay Peter for his help. Over the years, Gabriel had grown fond of Peter, grateful that he had a brother in Peter even though at first the idea seemed ludicrous. Now, he was always glad Angela Petrelli had made that confession to them. He couldn’t imagine life without Peter as his family.

However, Peter’s visits usually came with a condition - to go on the run again.

Gabriel gave Peter his usual warm hug whenever his brother arrived, and Peter held him fondly, pausing for a moment to revel in the other man’s warmth.

“I can’t stay long so I’ll have to decline the chili,” Peter said tersely, and Gabriel watched as Peter looked behind him, taking a moment to use several of his powers to see if they were being watched. When the coast was obviously clear, Peter stalked inside and returned the inevitable running hug from his overjoyed nephew.

“Hey, bud, you’ve grown at least a foot since I’ve seen you,” Peter said, meeting Noah’s wide eyes and cheerful grin. He ruffled his hair and told him to go help his mom in the kitchen. “Hi, Elle!” Peter yelled as she replied with a cheeky huff that he was going to stay for dinner or take a lightning bolt in the butt. “I wish I could stay,” he said, turning to Gabriel. “But I’m here with bad news.”

“Aren’t you always?” Gabriel said, leading them into the living room. Peter found a place on Gabriel’s tan velour sofa as his brother sat opposite of him on the dark brown loveseat.

Peter stared at him grimly. “Claire finally found out about me. She nearly killed me when she found me at one of my bases. I wasn’t expecting her, that’s for sure, and I didn’t have a chance to wipe her memory again.”

Gabriel nodded solemnly. “So what does that mean for us?”

“I can’t hide you guys anymore. You’re on your own,” Peter said. “I’m the number one terrorist now, which means, they’re either going to search for you more, or they’re going to focus on me and leave the underlings to find you. I’m not sure, but I have a plan.” When Elle walked into the living room, she crossed her arms and stared at Peter. Noah was hovering behind her leg.

“Elle, take Noah into the kitchen while I talk to Peter. I’ll tell you everything when he’s gone,” Gabriel said, but Elle didn’t budge. She furrowed her brow and frowned.

“I don’t think so. I have as much as right to know this as you do. Don’t think just because I’m the woman means I’m weak. I have Company training, you know, and I can handle Peter’s news,” Elle said defiantly. “As for Noah, if he’s going to have to go on the run again, he should know. He will understand.”

She turned to Noah and he looked up at her, nodding once.

“Fine,” Gabriel said, and he obviously didn’t like being overruled by his wife. Peter looked at both of them, sighed and then reached into the pocket of his black leather coat. He pulled out several folded pieces of paper and handed the first one to Gabriel.

“This is a realtor ad for the old Bennet house. As you know, Claire’s aunt inherited the house after Noah and Sandra were killed, and they have been renting it out ever since. Well, I think times have been tough for them financially and she finally put it on the market.” Peter paused. “No one’s been interested in it. The fact that there was a bunch of murders there scares people away, and the neighborhood has been deteriorating since then.”

“What about Claire? Doesn’t she want the old house?” Elle said. “I don’t want this to be a trap.”

“I wondered myself, but as far as I know, Claire hasn’t asked about it or made any formal inquiries since her father died. I posed as an interested buyer and poked for information from the agent and the aunt, and no one’s said anything about the house. I know Nathan keeps Claire in some expensive penthouse in New York City, and she pretty much travels by limo every morning to Pinehearst. I’m not sure she’s even interested in her old house.”

“Too many bad memories for her,” Gabriel commented.

“Don’t be so sure. Claire’s not the sentimental type anymore,” Peter said, and Gabriel noticed the anguish on his face. “Claire’s changed. She’s not the Claire we knew anymore.”

Gabriel sighed, looking away nervously. “It’s my fault. In her mind it will always be my fault because I killed her father.”

“You had no choice! Gabe, we’ve been over this,” Elle said, and she had covered Noah’s ears just before his mournful words. “You saved us all back then!”

“Elle’s right. Don’t blame yourself anymore, Gabriel. Pinehearst has changed Claire. She may have been a little jaded and full of pain when her father died, but it’s Pinehearst and the President that turned her into an agent, or worse, one that doesn’t need to feel emotions in order to kill innocents,” Peter said, and he rubbed his hands over his eyes. “If anyone else is to blame for Claire’s personality change, it’s me. I betrayed her, and that cuts deeper than anything anyone else could have done.”

“Peter...” Gabriel said, “You can’t take all the blame. Claire...she doesn’t know what Pinehearst really is. She will never realize the evil behind it.”

“Yeah, not even if the world explodes because too many people have powers that shouldn’t. She will never believe this and no one can change her mind. Claire is dangerous. She doesn’t trust anyone and she never will, not even Nathan. Her father is dead, and her uncle is a terrorist,” Peter met Gabriel’s eyes sternly. “Which makes her unpredictable and a problem for all of us.”

“So why show me that her old house is up for sale?” Gabriel asked, seeing a hole in Peter’s plan.

“Hidden in plain sight,” Peter said, quirking a grin at them. “A young couple with a child buys the Bennet house, a young couple that looks nothing like Gabriel and Elle Gray, and if there’s some psychological trigger from that house for Claire, she’ll never suspect you’re there. She’ll never even look. She’s so obsessed with finding me that she may not even realize that you guys are living right in her blind spot, and while I lure her away, she won’t have time to think of it.”

“So this is your plan? You keep Claire on a wild goose chase and we blend into Costa Verde suburbia,” Elle said with a snort. “I don’t know. It seems risky, and I don’t know if I want to endanger our son like that.”

“But it makes sense,” Gabriel said, stroking his bleached goatee, Elle didn’t like it but he needed it for his disguise. “If Peter’s right, Claire really won’t even be bothering with the house anymore.”

“The house has had so many tenants since Sandra’s sister rented it out, I imagine she barely kept track of them either,” Peter said. “It is risky, but if I can’t hide you much anymore, I won’t be putting you at risk by staying nearby. They’ll be watching for me even more now, with street cameras and Specials from Pinehearst helping them monitor my movements. I’ll have to become a ghost more than ever. I’ve already compromised your home here now, and I knew I would the moment I came here.” Peter saw Gabriel and Elle turn from his gaze and both frown. “I’m sorry.”

“But you won’t be unguarded,” Peter added, and Gabriel looked up. “There are a couple of other houses up for rent in your neighborhood. I’m placing a few people from my cell there to watch you. One, Lindsay Pane, has super hearing, and she’ll keep her ears open for any dangerous chatter. Another one, Mike Newberry, has thermal vision. He’ll be renting one of the apartments across from the old Bennet house. He’ll monitor you and look out for any extra heat energies. And lastly, Sparrow Redhouse, who controls earth, will be on your offensive. If your family needs protection, she will be the first to give it.”

“Are they on Pinehearst’s most wanted too?” asked Elle rationally.

Peter shook his head. “They are new recruits. If Pinehearst knows about them, they won’t find any criminal records regarding them. They’ve been helping my cause for about a month now, so I found them perfect to help you.”

“Can you trust them?” Elle asked, still having doubts.

“I vetted them myself. Of course I trust them,” Peter said, still hoping he could convince her.

Gabriel blew out a huge breath and stared at the sheet with the old Bennet household up for sale. Could they really make such a place, a place filled with blood and pain, as their home? Gabriel had always wanted the Bennet household, to keep it and care for it in Noah Bennet’s honor. However, after the Bennets deaths and their wanted status, it was never feasible to even look at the house. Even he knew there were several times that he could have rented it out, but then Peter himself had ruled against it. Now, it was Peter who wanted him to have the house. He could definitely see his reasoning, but Gabriel wondered if the plan would really work.

“You should also know, Claire’s aunt put Mr. Muggles up for adoption. He’s at one of the local shelters. The moment she dropped him off there, I shape-shifted looking like Elle does now and inquired about the dog. You guys have an appointment Tuesday for adoption,” Peter said. “I thought you might want to have the dog too. I remember you asking me about him. Well, now Claire’s aunt just can’t take care of him anymore.”

Gabriel nodded. “Tuesday is two days away, Peter,” he said, cocking his head at his brother.

Peter gave him a hard stare. “I know. It’s time for you all to get packed. Moving vans are going to arrive in about five hours.” Peter stood up and looked at their forlorn faces. Gabriel thought he’d be used to it by now - all this moving, but truthfully, he never would. It was always a struggle leaving one home for the next. He hated it sometimes, but as long as Noah and Elle were safe, he’d manage it. Still, it didn’t mean he would like it.

As Peter prepared to leave, he stopped and turned around. “Oh, and one last thing. I know in the past you’ve both sworn off your powers to take care of Noah. I hate to do this, but I need to remind you again that you can’t ever use them. You must give them up completely to not raise any suspicion while you stay in the Bennet’s old house.” He turned to Noah Jr. and knelt down to his level. “Do you understand that, Noah? You have to turn them off permanently until your uncle Peter makes everything safe.”

“Yes, Uncle Peter,” he said as he sucked on his finger. “No powers, I promise, just like Daddy always says.”

“That’s a good boy,” Peter said, and he ruffled his hair again. Before he departed, Gabriel forced him into a quick hug and Peter nodded to Elle as she watched him with fury in her eyes again. She hated moving around just as much as Gabriel did, but she had to know it was for the best.

“Be safe,” Peter said, and as he left their front door, he turned invisible and headed into the unknown.


Chapter Five: A Mother's Sacrifice

heroes, peter/claire, nathan, the devil and her treasures, sylar/elle, noah jr, rene, claire bennet, minor characters, elle, danko, heroes big boom, completed fics, sylar, elle/claire

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