Inuyasha, "The Unquiet Winds" chapter 17, rated PG-13

Aug 08, 2011 19:15

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Unquiet Winds
Chapter Title: Shippou's Knowledge
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Sesshoumaru, Kagura's reincarnation (inevitable Kagura/Sesshoumaru), Shippou
Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural/Suspense
Rating: PG-13 (overall)
Universe: Canon divergence, Modern
Notes: This new serial was started to follow the themes for contests at Livejournal. This is the 18th installment, written for the "TMI" prompt at i_b_4_y.

Story Summary: Natsumi dreams of another woman's past, a woman who desperately wants to reunite with the man she loves, even if Natsumi has to suffer in the end.

The Unquiet Winds

Chapter Seventeen: Bits and Pieces

Natsumi threw up her hands in frustration. Shippou wasn’t being any more forthright with information on himself than the first minute she’d met him.

“Okay, forget about you,” Natsumi said, meeting his cheerful gaze. It was hopeless to pry any more personal information about the young man, even if she did suspect he knew more about Kagura than he was letting on, even more about Sesshoumaru.

Natsumi held up Sesshoumaru Taiki’s book and waved it at him. “What do you know about Sesshoumaru? And why…” She paused, not knowing how to say this, but she had to go with her gut instinct here, even if Shippou considered her crazy. She had a feeling he wouldn’t. “Why does Sesshoumaru act like he knew Kagura? That can’t be possible. In my dreams… well, it was hundreds of years ago.”

Shippou reclined back in the library chair, propping his feet up on the table. Natsumi wasn’t sure if his superiors allowed him to do that, but she didn’t think about it anymore when he started giving her answers.

“Well, Kagura was a youkai that existed hundreds of years ago, yes,” Shippou said, choosing his words carefully. “How much do you know about youkai?” Natsumi shook her head. “You would assume they lived a long time.”

“Assuming they are still real,” Natsumi said stubbornly.

“Trust me, youkai are still as real as you and me,” Shippou said. “There’s your answer about Sesshoumaru.”

Natsumi exhaled heavily. She had to sit down. So… Sesshoumaru, her boss, was a youkai? It was almost too much information.

“Well, that explains a lot about him,” Natsumi resolved. “It could be why I feel something strong from him.” Natsumi cocked her head at Shippou. “Hey, is this why I can’t be near him?”

“Sorry, what?” Shippou asked, and for the first time since she’d met him, Shippou actually looked confused.

“I… I can’t get near Sesshoumaru. He’s tried to approach me, and the closer I get to him, I get headaches and bad nose bleeds. My first encounter with him sent me to the hospital,” Natsumi said, and Shippou furrowed his brow, looking worried.

“I’ve never seen that before, not of reincarnations anyway,” Shippou said.

“Ha! So admit it; you do believe I am her reincarnation!” Natsumi said, and Shippou grinned.

“I’d think that’s obvious by now.” He sighed. “But I really can’t help you on why Sesshoumaru affects you physically. I think he’s the only one who can answer that, and it seems to put you in sort of a bind.”

“Well, at least tell me what you know about Kagura.” Natsumi leafed through the book again. “There’s only a small snippet in here. She was a youkai created from Naraku who turned good at the end at the cost of her life. But that’s it. It’s pretty generic.”

“I assume Sesshoumaru wrote it that way without all the feelings in it,” Shippou said, and Natsumi snapped her eyes back to his as realization hit her.

“Does that mean… did Sesshoumaru love Kagura?”

sesshoumaru, kagura, the unquiet winds, challenge, sesshoumaru/kagura, original character, inuyasha

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