Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Unquiet Winds
Chapter Title: Shippou's Knowledge
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Sesshoumaru, Kagura's reincarnation (inevitable Kagura/Sesshoumaru), Shippou
Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural/Suspense
Rating: PG-13 (overall)
Universe: Canon divergence, Modern
Notes: This new serial was started to follow the themes for contests at Livejournal. This is the 17th installment, written for the "knowledge" prompt at
Story Summary: Natsumi dreams of another woman's past, a woman who desperately wants to reunite with the man she loves, even if Natsumi has to suffer in the end.
The Unquiet Winds
Chapter Sixteen: Shippou's Knowledge
As Natsumi flipped through the pages of a large, dusty old book, Shippou stared at her with intrigue from across the library table. On a propped elbow, he rested his cheek against his palm. He grinned at her, and Natsumi could feel his deep emerald eyes boring into her.
Annoyed, she looked up from her book. “I thought you were going to help me, not stare at me.”
“I told you. None of those books will do. You’re wasting your time. Only one book will do,” he said, pointing at Sesshoumaru Taiki’s book. “That one is the only one you’ll need.”
Natsumi tilted her head. “I flipped through that one. There’s nothing in there about Kagura.”
“Look again,” he said, barely containing his amusement. Natsumi assumed that Shippou knew a lot, probably enough about Kagura to give her some leads, but he was purposely withholding it from her. But why? Was it just a game to him? She wondered what his connection really was.
Natsumi slammed the book shut. She set it aside on the pile of discards, grabbed Sesshoumaru’s book and shot Shippou a piercing stare. She waved the book in his face.
“You know Sesshoumaru personally, don’t you?”
Shippou smirked, and Natsumi sighed. “I thought so.”
“I was right though. His knowledge on the subject is incredible, so I’m wondering why he hadn’t given you the book before.” He chuckled a little when she furrowed her brow at him. “Don’t play dumb. You know him personally too.”
“I can’t…I can’t be around him. I don’t know how to say this but…” She hesitated. How much should she tell this Shippou person? She only just met him, and she was going to tell him her personal feelings and dreams? She was going to tell him she thought she was the reincarnation of a powerful youkai who tragically died hundreds of years ago?
If he already knew Sesshoumaru then he probably knew about her too.
She eyed him suspiciously. “What do you know about me, Shippou?”
“I only just met you,” he said simply.
“True, but even after I walked into this library, I had a feeling you already knew more just by my request,” Natsumi said. She crossed her arms and looked at him reproachfully. “Tell me what you know.”
“Everything?” he asked coyly with a snort.
“Just about me, and Sesshoumaru too. It’s a start anyway,” she said.
“Well, what I know about you is quite simple,” he said. “You’re the reincarnation of a powerful youkai named Kagura.”
Natsumi released a heavy breath. “So, you’ve studied her?”
“Something like that,” he said cryptically, and Natsumi didn’t like that he was still keeping things from her. “As for Sesshoumaru, my knowledge of him could fill up volumes, a notion he has threatened me frequently not to pursue.” He grinned wickedly. “Well, what he doesn’t know…”
“And what about you… Who are you, Shippou?” Natsumi asked.
Shippou shrugged, and Natsumi met his wild grin. “Well, that’s another story altogether, isn’t it?”