Thor (movieverse), "Puppeteer" Loki/Darcy, part 4 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Jun 06, 2011 14:56

Fandom: Thor (movieverse)
Title: Puppeteer
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Loki/Darcy, slight Jane/Thor
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,796
Genre: Drama
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "0.25 - invisible voices" for 100_fairytales. Part 4 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Summary: Darcy begins to wonder what Loki wants with her, and at night, Loki finally puts her to use.

Part Four: Puppeteer

Darcy never expected her ghost to respond to her. Maybe it was silly for her to use the white sage, but she’d like to think of it as a warning for her stalker to leave her the hell alone.

Now, upon finding the personalized book and the note in her incense bowl, she was no doubt shocked and worried, and the reality of it distracted her during work, and she anxiously wondered if this menace was truly going to leave her alone.

If Thor’s brother Loki was really messing with her as she assumed, well, not only was she scared, but also she was shamefully curious on what he wanted from her. She was just some grad student who followed around Thor’s love interest like a clueless puppy; she was obviously nobody important for a god to even notice.

Seriously, wouldn’t he be more interested in Jane?

And if Loki could be here, could that mean Thor could come here as well? Jane would be ecstatic if she knew, but that did raise the question; if Thor were capable of coming back, wouldn’t he be here already?

Darcy felt a chill descend over her spine. She wanted to tell Jane about Loki immediately, not so much to get her hopes up, but to warn her. Darcy couldn’t even imagine the repercussions of running to her employer screaming that the crazy god who tried to annihilate their town with a huge otherworldly robot was here, stalking them around the shadows.

Would Loki even let her inform the others?

Darcy stared wide-eyed at the note he left her. She didn’t think he’d let her get away with anything. Suddenly, she felt very much trapped in her own skin.

As if her situation couldn’t get worse, the words on the note began to disappear before her eyes. She blinked, and sure enough they were gone as though they never existed. Frantically, she spun around and snatched up her own personal copy of the mythology book he left her, and his dedication was gone as well.

So there went her proof. If she went blabbing about Loki’s possible stalking now, she’d definitely be written off as crazy. Crumpling up the piece of paper, Darcy pouted. She couldn’t do anything about it now, and she had no idea on what plan B was to deal with this supposed Loki problem of hers. Until then, she grabbed her taser and set off to the kitchen where Jane was waiting for her. Today they’d go back to the usual surveying site and collect more data.

Darcy wondered if she’d really be able to work today, especially with all her anxious thoughts about her stalker. She wondered if he would follow her to the site, and she cursed that he was powerful enough so they couldn’t see him. But more importantly, it really sucked that he wasn’t solid as Thor had been so Darcy could tase him.


Work that day had been more productive than expected. Thanks to S.H.I.E.L.D, Jane was given more equipment to study her wormhole, as well as try to see if they could open it up again. More scientists from S.H.I.E.L.D were coming over to help her, and while Jane engaged in science mumbo jumbo with them, Darcy faded to the background and was left to her thoughts. Once in a while, Jane had her gopher some coffee or tools, but other than that, Darcy was nothing more than furniture that day.

Which made it worse on her anxiety, and she became increasingly paranoid and wondered if she was even going to get any sleep tonight. Jane would need her more tomorrow when the S.H.I.E.L.D agents left, allowing Jane to get more comfortable using to the new equipment from Stark industries on her own. Darcy was a bit deflated when they were told Tony Stark may even stop by, but he had to cancel at the last minute.

“We’ll meet him eventually. He’s very interested in Thor,” Jane said with a grin. “And my wormhole.”

Darcy arched an eyebrow. “Who isn’t?”

Jane beamed and went back to her work on the laptop. Darcy made a couple of extra pop-tarts for her and brewed a fresh pot of coffee at the physics lab. While she bobbed around in the kitchen, Darcy kept looking over her shoulder, wondering if she was being watched. Her gaze swept the room, looking for anything out of place, but nothing was missing. Even the scant pictures on the white-washed walls appeared perfectly level.

She tried to tell herself to calm down, but Darcy couldn’t. Even when nothing was happening and her stalker hadn’t tugged at her senses, she knew that he was in the shadows anyway, plotting and watching them. What he wanted, she didn’t know, and Darcy was willing to write it off with a shrug and a blasé attitude that she was only here for her college credits.

Only she wasn’t. She was curious and intrigued by these Norse gods and their motivations more than ever. She would diligently support Jane find Thor again, not just as her grad student gopher but as Jane’s only female friend. Likewise, Darcy was dying to know what the hell Loki even wanted with her. What did he really hope to gain from her? Would he try to hurt Jane? If the stories about the god of mischief were true, Darcy could only fear the worst.

Though, the stories don’t always portray Loki as completely bad, not all of them, and Darcy found that intriguing despite their first encounter with him, at least indirectly, which was almost fatal if not for Thor. She’d keep that in mind of course, but she wouldn’t admit that she was afraid of him.

If she could take Thor down with her taser, perhaps she could take down Loki as well.


Loki returned that night to Darcy’s room that night after he had finished converging with his doppelgangers. All of them had retrieved them more information on Nick Fury, the cube of power that S.H.I.E.L.D was dubbing the Cosmic Cube. Erik Selvig was progressing on studying the cube, thanks to Loki’s subliminal intervention, and Nick Fury was meeting more with Tony Stark, mostly as his consultant for many different projects.

Coming back to Darcy was almost relaxing for him, subduing his frenetic thoughts about S.H.I.E.L.D and Jane Foster’s wormhole as well as his brother’s much anticipated return. (If Loki had anything to do with it, his brother would never return, but he felt as though he did want to see Thor again, but not until he knew more about this Cosmic Cube, if not acquire more power to go up against him and the Mighty Mjolnir once again.)

Truthfully, amidst all these schemes, visiting Darcy and playing with her fears was a bit of amusement for him - a hobby, he supposed, until she would be of significant use to him.

He supposed the spells of his messages had worn off by now, and she had enough time to see them before they disappeared. It delighted him to see her fright, and in a way, he did, as a shadow doppelganger he kept around just to observe her reactions and see what she planned to do.

He didn’t like that she was already exercising thought about telling Jane, or even Erik, when he returned, but Loki supposed it was only a natural reaction for her, and he knew, in due time, she would tell the others about him, but it wouldn’t be now.

Loki looked down at Darcy, sleeping as she cocooned herself in a wool blanket. He reached out a hand and lightly twirled a tendril of her hair around his finger.

“Oh, Darcy Lewis, the plans I have for you,” he said with a grin. When she didn’t even flinch, he noticed she was almost dead to the world in her sleep. Loki glanced to her nightstand and saw the bottle of sleeping pills. He smirked a little, leaning over to whisper in her ear.

“You don’t have to make this so easy for me, girl,” he said, and he brought his hand above her head as he thought the spell. Darcy, still obviously asleep, was betrayed by her body as Loki made her rise. She stood up, wobbled lightly on her feet, and Loki fell in step behind her as he continued to direct her body like a marionette.

He motioned for her to step through the hallway toward the center of the room and past the kitchen, where Jane Foster had her desk and laptop set up. Settling Darcy’s body down in the desk chair, he had her log into Jane’s computer, searching through her files for anything Loki might need. Though, he could very well do all of this himself, and much faster too, he enjoyed using Darcy for it, with her finger prints on Jane’s computer if a question of suspicion ever arose.

He also enjoyed the fact that soon Darcy would know what she had done, and she would feel alienated and guilty for betraying her friends. It seemed fitting that Jane Foster’s most trusted friend would betray her. Loki enjoyed the drama it would cause, pulling Darcy and Jane apart, destroying their precious human trust.

And Darcy, poor Darcy - she would be so alone. Maybe he’d even be doing the girl a favor. She didn’t need to be a part of this. She shouldn’t be here when Thor returned and joined the humans against the shadow of evil that would soon be upon this world. Darcy was too expendable, and death was far too unkind a reward for the girl who amused him and was helping him behind the scenes.

“That’s interesting,” Loki said, noticing a new file on Jane’s computer. Inside the folder were schematics, almost perfect at constructing a man-made wormhole that would connect with Bifröst. Of course, there were flaws, and it was far from finished, but it was too close at being complete for Loki’s liking.

Loki waved his hands, and his Darcy puppet began to type. “It’s time to do the job you were perfect for, Darcy.” He smiled wickedly and added, “Sabotage.”

Quickly, Darcy’s hands charged like meticulous lightning across the keyboard. On the screen, she altered calculations and changed numbers, ultimately setting back Jane Foster’s work at least two months. When she was done, she had left Jane’s desk perfectly untouched as if she’d never been here.

When Loki moved Darcy across the room, he thought it’d be fun if he didn’t return her back to her bed, so he left her on a stool to continue her drug-addled sleep against the kitchen counter.

He almost couldn’t wait to see how she’d react when she woke up.

Part Five

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, thor

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