True Blood, "Fleeting" Lorena drabble | rated pg

Jun 02, 2011 09:44

Fandom: True Blood
Title: Fleeting
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Lorena, Bill/Sookie, Lorena/Bill
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: up to Season 3
Warnings: mentions of violence
Notes: Written for the "enemy" theme at trueblood100

Summary: Lorena doesn't think much of Sookie.

Sookie Stackhouse wasn’t just the enemy, she was nothing more than food, and Lorena couldn’t help but loathe her with all her being. The girl had the audacity to think she could ensnare her Bill away from her.

She was dangerously mistaken, and Lorena would show her just how unimportant Sookie really was. She was fleeting, and when Bill regained his senses, they’d enjoy Sookie together, drain her dry and lick the remnants of her blood off her bones and flesh.

Soon, Sookie would just be another trifling memory, another mistake for Bill to regret for a measly hundred years.

sookie, bill, true blood, bill/sookie, lorena

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