Inuyasha, "Absurd Distractions" ch. 13

May 27, 2011 17:21

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Absurd Distractions
Author: Paynesgrey
Chapter Title: 13: The Journey Begins
Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Word Count: 1,079
Rated: PG
Universe: CU, post-series
Notes: This is a friendship fic. There will be implications toward the Inuyasha/Kagome ship; however, this serialization will focus on the growing friendship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru, whether Sesshoumaru likes it or not. It's supposed to be a little cracky and fun, and it'll revolve around prompts in various LJ communities. This prompt, "missing out" was written for iyfic_contest.

Summary: Out of boredom, Kagome rudely begins to meddle in Sesshoumaru's personal life.

Absurd Distractions

Chapter Thirteen: The Journey Begins

“HELL NO, Kagome!” Inuyasha said, and Kagome challenged his angry stare with her own, not backing down. “You’re not going with him, not if I have anything to say anything about it!”

“Well, you don’t, Inuyasha!” she said, crossing her arms and glaring at him.

“The hell I don’t! We’re mates now and you listen to me! You are not going on some adventure with my asshole brother!” Inuyasha demanded, even though Sesshoumaru was right there, listening to every insult. Kagome still wouldn’t budge.

“And you don’t own me! Don’t think because you’re from this era that you can act like I’m your property! I’m going, and you don’t have to worry,” she said, her angry brow still knitted together.

“Oh yeah? Well, I’m not missing out on anything he’s roped you into. I’m coming with for your protection,” Inuyasha said, puffing up his chest. Finally, Sesshoumaru decided to intervene.

“My brother is not invited on this mission, miko. Only you and no one else,” he stated firmly, only talking to her and ignoring Inuyasha’s presence. Inuyasha turned to his brother like he was going to pummel him. Kagome put a hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder, knowing it wouldn’t deter him, but at least, showing that she wanted him to settle down.

“Why you bastard!” he raged at him. “What gives you the right to take my Kagome away with you?” He eyed him suspiciously. “What’s your scheme anyway?”

Sesshoumaru huffed at him. “Do not worry, cur; it is nothing that you imply. I have no interest in the miko other than her skills and the debt I owe her.”

“Her skills?”

“I need a moderately useful miko to accompany me to rescue the dragon. I could pick any miko in any of these surrounding villages, but since I owe Kagome a debt, I chose her.” He paused, and Kagome noticed that his stoic expression transformed into annoyance. His tone rang like a chill through Kagome’s bones. “I do not like owing humans debts.”

Inuyasha was still angry; he swore every word that would sully a person’s ears. Finally, he turned to Kagome and tried to convince her to change her mind again, this time with genuine regard.

“Kagome, please, don’t do this,” Inuyasha said.

“I’m sorry, Inuyasha. I already made a promise to Sesshoumaru, and well, he owes me,” she said.
“Is this what you want from him? To have him owe you a debt?” Inuyasha asked, almost hurt.

“No, I just wanted his friendship, to get to know him better as family,” she said, and she smiled lightly. “I think this adventure with him will give me that, and think of it! I’ll get a dragon egg for my troubles!”

Inuyasha sighed, and his shoulders relaxed as she took him into an embrace.

“I wish I could come to protect you,” he said, finally relenting to her choice. He still didn’t want to give his approval on her leaving the village without him, but maybe after it’s done, this madness with Kagome and Sesshoumaru will end.

“Do not worry, brother,” Sesshoumaru said, and for once, his tone wasn’t mocking. “You have my word that I will keep the miko safe while she is away.”

Inuyasha turned to his older brother and glared. “You better, or I’ll ram Tessaiga so far up your ass, it’ll shred that stick up there to splinters.”

Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow, but he said nothing and motioned the miko to follow him. Kagome turned to Inuyasha, giving him another hug and goodbye kiss.

“I’ll be back soon!” she said, waving happily as she padded behind Sesshoumaru. For some odd reason, she felt like she was walking in Rin’s footsteps. Sesshoumaru didn’t say much to her, and he didn’t take off toward the sky. Strangely enough, the beginning of their journey started with them walking silently down the dirt path leaving the village. Heading north bound, Kagome sprinted to catch up with him and walk by his side.

She was most certainly not Rin, and she wouldn’t walk behind him like a servant. When the inu youkai did not protest her presence at his side, she smiled, feeling suddenly at ease.

She was surprised a terrible fight didn’t break out between the two brothers back there. In the past, Inuyasha’s guts would have been poking out of his stomach if she had decided to go with Sesshoumaru; however, back then she wouldn’t have been so crazy to be within five feet of Sesshoumaru, let alone become his traveling companion.

Funny how things have changed, she mused silently, enjoying the warm summer wind caressing her face. She turned to her side, admiring the way Sesshoumaru’s hair glittered in the sunlight.

He caught her staring at him, and she averted her eyes, feeling the flush rise to her cheeks.

“Um…so, where is this dragon we’re going to rescue?” she asked, hoping small talk would save her from Sesshoumaru’s dangerous eyes.

“North,” he simply replied, and Kagome sighed. As if she didn’t already figure that out.

“What sort of youkai has it captive?” she pried, and Sesshoumaru looked perturbed, but he was starting to realize that she wouldn’t stay quiet.

“A fire youkai who collects mystical beasts, like dragons,” he answered bluntly. Kagome’s mouth gaped as he looked at her. She thought she saw a flash of a grin. “And special humans sometimes.”

Her eyes widened. She hoped that he wasn’t implying what she thought he was. No, would Sesshoumaru really trade her for the dragon? He gave his word he wouldn’t put her in danger.
Would he promise those terms more loosely? As long as she was alive, Kagome was sure that Sesshoumaru considered her safe in body and spirit, and not much more of his concern. She felt a drop of anxiety pool in her belly.

Perhaps Inuyasha had been right. Was it really a good idea for her to travel with Sesshoumaru? After all, his ideals and scruples were not at all like his brother’s. He was a different personality entirely from Inuyasha, or any other ‘good’ sort of youkai she’d ever encountered, and calling Sesshoumaru good was definitely a liberal use of the word.

Goosebumps bubbled on the nape of her neck, and Kagome began to tremble. They continued walking, and she no longer felt the weight of Sesshoumaru’s stare.

And the less Sesshoumaru said to her or even regarded her, the more Kagome was worried about what he really had planned for her.

kagome, sesshoumaru, absurd distractions, sess/kag, genfic, inu/kag, inuyasha

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