Star Trek: TOS "Hiding Place" Captain Kirk, Janice Rand

May 19, 2011 16:31

Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Title: Hiding Place
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Captain Kirk, Janice Rand
Genre: Gen/Humor
Word Count: 100
Rated: G
Spoilers/Warnings: None.
Notes: Written for the "hair" theme at gen_drabble.

Summary: There may be some hope for escape.

The Klingons take their search party prisoner on some strange planet, and when their weapons are taken away, Captain Kirk starts to think they’re running out of options for escape.

His face wrinkles in concentration, hoping he can come up with something before their captors decide to torture them for fun.

Suddenly, his yeoman leans close and whispers to him when the guard isn’t looking. “Don’t worry, Captain. I have a phaser hidden in my hair.”

He smiles, his face beaming triumphantly. All hope isn’t lost, and it’s the best plan he’s heard yet.

Thank goodness for Yeoman Rand’s hair!

janice rand, kirk, genfic, star trek, drabble

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