Doctor Who, "Killer Style" River Song gen | rated G

May 19, 2011 15:47

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title: Killer Style
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: River Song
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None.
Notes: Written for the "hair" theme at gen_drabble.

Summary: River comes to appreciate her hair.

At first, River Song hated her hair. It was naturally curly and unmanageable, and more than anything, it drew attention she didn’t always want.

Growing up, she learned to appreciate her hair, and she soon realized that others seemed to enjoy it as well. Sure, men were mesmerized by the wildness of it, and yearned to weave their fingers through it, but they would never risk the pain.

Her hair was also a handy distraction. Her enemies were so taken in by the wonder of her curls, that in that split second, she had already drawn her gun on them.

river song, genfic, dr who, drabble

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