Inuyasha, "Shiori Chronicles" ch.13 | rated PG

May 18, 2011 14:27

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Next Generation: Shiori Chronicles
Chapter Title: A Call for Help
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Shiori, Kohaku, (slight Kohaku/Shiori)
Rating: PG
(Chapter) Word Count: 300
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Warnings: None
Notes: Post-manga.Continuation to my "Shiori Chronicles". This is the 14th installment. Written for the "chained" theme at iy_unsung_heros.

Chapter Summary: Kohaku calls for help.

Restlessly, Kohaku sets up a perimeter around their refuge in the forest, keeping guard for any trouble. Kai is still concerned for his brother’s welfare, and he watches him carefully for any sign of waking.

“It was awful. She caught them from a hunting expedition, chained them in magic binds and drew them away so she could perform her spell.” Kai turns to Shiori with an ominous look. “Once they were hers, my brother included, they didn’t need to be subdued. They obeyed every command.”

“And created the mudslide,” Shiori adds, and Kai nods in affirmation.

“I had no way to send for help from my tribe, and I couldn’t just leave Shinta in the arms of that witch!” His fist clenches, and Shiori sees the pain on his face. “I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t save him all on my own. She’s too powerful.”

“She’s too powerful for us too,” Kohaku chimes in, but Shiori notices his face shines with determination. “All hope isn’t lost.” He turns to the sky and whistles, and soon, a large raven swoops down and lands on his forearm. “This is Tomoe. She’s a friend of Kirara’s. Kirara is helping my friend Shippou with some nasty youkai who are terrorizing kitsune in the west.”

“A raven youkai?” Shiori asks.

“Yes, but she isn’t dangerous,” he says, turning to Tomoe. “Tell Shippou and Kirara that we need their help.”

Shiori, who is once again impressed by Kohaku’s skills, feels a sense of relief as Tomoe flies off. Now maybe they have a chance against this powerful enemy.

“Until then, what do we do?” Kai asks bitterly, still looking worriedly at his brother.

“Well,” Kohaku says, placing a comforting hand on Kai’s shoulder. “All we can do now is hide from her, and wait.”

kohaku/shiori, shiori, shiori chronicles, kohaku, inuyasha

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