Inuyasha, "Absurd Distractions" ch.11

May 14, 2011 21:49

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Absurd Distractions
Author: Paynesgrey
Chapter Title: 11: Rapid Proof
Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Word Count: 250
Rated: PG
Universe: CU, post-series
Notes: This is a friendship fic. There will be implications toward the Inuyasha/Kagome ship; however, this serialization will focus on the growing friendship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru, whether Sesshoumaru likes it or not. It's supposed to be a little cracky and fun, and it'll revolve around prompts in various LJ communities. This prompt, "murky" was written for iyfic_contest.

Summary: Out of boredom, Kagome rudely begins to meddle in Sesshoumaru's personal life.

As expected, Jaken cowered behind Sesshoumaru and would not budge, and apparently he intended to kill her with his stare as well. Kagome sighed. She’d really worked tirelessly to make sure the sash didn’t bring any harm to him, and as much as she hated thinking about the imp or visualizing him to enact her power, she did it, for both Rin and Sesshoumaru’s sakes.

“Jaken, please; I promise it’s okay now,” Kagome reassured, and she noticed that Sesshoumaru was getting irritated at waiting for Jaken to test drive his newly revised gift.

Kagome knew that Sesshoumaru would be thoughtless enough to kick Jaken off his leg and onto the sash just to hurry things along, but she moved quickly to prevent such an occurrence (to not upset Rin again), so she bounced ahead, grabbed the screeching youkai and snuggled him in the sash despite his weak retaliation. The Staff of Heads even seemed impatient, as it fell inert in defending him.

He froze in terror, soon realizing that her sash didn’t send him flying this time; though, still unsure, Jaken cautiously started peeling off the garment regardless. Kagome beamed her brightest smile at Sesshoumaru, who appeared mostly content (for him anyway).

“Good, this gift is now acceptable. This Sesshoumaru will soon return the favor,” he said, scrutinizing her intently. “Provided the terms are within reason.”

Kagome’s face felt hot as her mind buzzed at the meaning behind his words. Just what did he think she wanted really from him?

kagome, sesshoumaru, absurd distractions, sess/kag, genfic, inu/kag, inuyasha

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