The Vampire Diaries, "Back and Forth" Bonnie, Damon | rated pg

Mar 18, 2011 23:16

Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Title: Back and Forth
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Bonnie, Damon, Stefan/Elena
Word Count: 300
Spoilers/Warnings: None.
Notes: Written for the "distort" theme at fanfic_bakeoff.

Summary: Bonnie sees Damon sulking and decides to annoy him.

In a quiet moment of downtime at their meeting, Bonnie glided next to a somber Damon and followed the trail of his eyes.

He was pouting - in his own subtle Damon way - as he stared at Elena and his brother enjoying a small, affectionate moment. Normally, she would roll her eyes and clear away from him, but instead Bonnie felt inclined to mess with him - for Elena’s sake.

“Witch,” he said, noting her presence.

“Monster,” she quipped readily, which earned her a scowl. He jerked toward her, leaning a little to meet her eye level.

“Are we going to keep doing this...back and forth mocking and labeling?” Damon asked, and he craned his head theatrically. “Don’t you think it’s getting kind of boring?”

Bonnie licked her lips and lifted her chin. “I don’t know. I kind of enjoy it, and it puts you in your place...” She looked up to his forehead and smirked, “Among other things.”

Damon tsked at her, and she was ready for the string of empty insults that would tumble out of his mouth. “You know, I always thought you okay for a human, Bonnie, but you have totally distorted my perception of nice human girls.”

“Damon, when are you going to realize you don’t scare me? You don’t even concern me, and all I care about is how you treat Elena and Stefan,” she said, rolling her eyes away from him back to the couple in question.

“So, what is this?” he asked, obviously annoyed.

Bonnie felt pleased with herself, and probably looked it too. “A distraction,” she replied, walking away, and when Damon watched her leave, Stefan and Elena were pulling apart from an obvious kiss, something that may have torn him up more if he would have witnessed it.

bonnie, damon, fanfic bakeoff, bonnie/damon, vampire diaries, stefan/elena

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