Power Rangers Samurai, "The Lonely Leader" Jayden | rated G

Mar 18, 2011 15:07

Fandom: Power Rangers Samurai
Title: The Lonely Leader
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Jayden, ensemble (slight Jayden/Mia and Jayden/Emily if you squint)
Word Count: 300
Genre: Character Study
Spoilers: up to the recent episodes.
Notes: Written for "distort" theme at fanfic_bakeoff.

Summary: Jayden realizes that he always walks behind them.

A breeze lifted his bangs from his eyes. Jayden looked ahead, silently falling behind as his teammates absently walked ahead of him, dividing into their normal pairs: Kevin by Mia, and Emily with Mike.

He was aware that he was the odd-man out, and though it seemed only natural as a leader, the reality of it gave him pause.

Despite this, he was more than willing to humor Emily when she included him. She was always the one noticed who he’d walk behind them, observing them in their natural harmony.

Then there was Mike who felt Jayden was a perfect challenge to make smile.

Or Kevin, who would meet his eyes, desperate for guidance. Jayden wanted to tell him, I don’t have all the answers; however, he was sure his words would be moot, passed off as admirable humility.

He felt the most detached from Mia, even though the two of them did training together as if they were evenly skilled. He’d only bested her about a few more times than she’d bested him. He tried not to admire her too much; he would never step in the way of Kevin’s obvious esteem.

Jayden felt the roles of the group were already set, and despite his observations, he thoroughly admitted his aloofness was brought upon by himself. If they only knew my secrets, what would they say?

He’d like to think they would forgive him, that ultimately his problems wouldn’t distort their harmony. Their group was fresh; he knew that, but maybe in time they’d become an even stronger unit.

Until then, he was happy to fall behind, to be the leader and fellow soldier content to be by himself. And with Emily’s hand taking his and dragging him along again, Jayden admitted he really didn’t feel all that lonely.

emily, genfic, kevin, power rangers, fanfic bakeoff, mike, jayden, mia

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