Inuyasha, "The Unquiet Winds" ch.8 (Kagura/Sesshoumaru)

Feb 22, 2011 14:53

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Unquiet Winds
Chapter Title: The Other Voice
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Sesshoumaru, Kagura's reincarnation (inevitable Kagura/Sesshoumaru)
Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural/Suspense
Rating: PG-13 (overall)
Universe: Canon divergence, Modern
Notes: This new serial was started to follow the themes for contests at Livejournal. This is the ninth installment, written for the "telephone image prompt" theme at i_b_4_y.

Story Summary: Natsumi dreams of another woman's past, a woman who desperately wants to reunite with the man she loves, even if Natsumi has to suffer in the end.

Natsumi did as her boss suggested. She took some time off from work; moreover, she took the time to stay away from him. There was no doubt in her mind that he was the cause of her pain, and though a voice in the back of her mind reassured her that he was not, she decided to put a muzzle on her conscience and get some rest.

Consequently, she was afraid to sleep. She didn’t want to have the dreams, and she certainly didn’t want to relive her past life’s death over and over again.

She knew she would; there was no denying it. Even in times when she would fall into a daze she’d see it; she’d feel it, and then her chest would explode with a hollow ache, and she’d feel wet, seeping blood where there was none.

Though, she couldn’t possibly sleep anyway. She’d watch silly variety shows on TV, and before she could even doze off the phone would ring, and as always, she debated with herself on whether or not she should answer it.

Natsumi thought for sure it was Sesshoumaru-san again, and she was mortified at the possibility of hearing his voice. She even considered getting another job. Factory work wasn’t her career, so she easily could find something else.

But I don’t want to leave, she thought petulantly, frowning. He’s the one that should leave. He invaded my life and caused me pain. He should be the one to go away!

Thinking about him made her angry; so much she almost hated him, and she didn’t even know him. Of course, he didn’t deserve her hatred, but he did cause her fear, and Natsumi wasn’t about to resolve herself to this fear toward her new boss, much less a man she didn’t know.

Even creepier is that he knows me, she thought, and for some time she had been denying herself the opportunity to think about that. He clearly knew about her dreams too, saying she was her. There was no mistake, not the way Natsumi reacted horribly to his presence.

Her new employer Sesshoumaru Taiki had something to do with her past life’s death.

Impossible...she thought, but suddenly the images came back again, fresh in her mind. She always smelled blood, but at least this time there was no pain - just a strange lull and the feeling of heartbreak.

How could a modern businessman like Sesshoumaru have ties to her past life? In her visions, Natsumi is certain the woman Kagura, who isn’t a human at all, died a long time ago.

“Feudal times,” she mumbled, and she froze when she realized the thought was not her own. The feeling that she wasn’t alone in her own body wasn’t subsiding either.

Sounding ominous and from beyond the grave, Kagura’s voice whispered like a winter’s breeze across her skull, and she urged Natsumi to travel to the library to find out more about her past life - and Sesshoumaru as well.

sesshoumaru, kagura, the unquiet winds, challenge, sesshoumaru/kagura, original character, inuyasha

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