Inuyasha, "Sesshoumaru's Stalker" Byakuya, Sesshoumaru; pg

Jan 14, 2011 15:19

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Sesshoumaru's Stalker
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Sesshoumaru, Byakuya
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
Genre: General/Humor
Universe: Canon
Warnings: none, really, stalking if you want to count that.
Notes: Written for the "Opposites Attract" drabble theme at iyfic_contest.

Summary: Sesshoumaru doesn't appreciate Byakuya's advances.

Sesshoumaru was, unfortunately, being stalked.

It was irksome to the demon lord for sure, and unless the rogue revealed himself in the open, Sesshoumaru did not see the worth in wasting energy to pursue him - in order to whip his head off.

He did not like the way Naraku’s minion looked at him, or more accurately, leered at him from the shadows and the night skies. Sesshoumaru would never admit it, but he sometimes forgot himself. He almost neglected his duties in watching his pack because of rising paranoid thoughts that the bastard would come out of the woods and accost him, and he realized his game - the true trap of this insufferable worm and he refused to fall prey to it.

Sometimes Sesshoumaru could smell him; the stench of Naraku was bad enough, but did he have to exude his scent so provocatively? It was unnerving, and Sesshoumaru did not appreciate the demon’s advances toward him. (Even Kagura was not so suffocating.)

He was incredulous, though not enough that he’d see it as his own attraction, merely a curiosity at the spawn’s audacity.

Did he really think someone as he, Sesshoumaru, would ever look at him and lower himself to return those gestures? The scoundrel was devious, that much was obvious, but Sesshoumaru was convinced Byakuya was deluded as well.

The two of them couldn’t be more different, more wrong, and more impossible for each other, and Sesshoumaru refused to waste any more time thinking about him.

byakuya, sesshoumaru, sesshoumaru/byakuya, inuyasha

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