Inuyasha, "The Unquiet Winds" chapter 4

Dec 18, 2010 16:02

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Unquiet Winds
Chapter Title: Fading Matriarch
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Sesshoumaru, Kagura's reincarnation (inevitable Kagura/Sesshoumaru), (Sesshoumaru's mother, this chapter)
Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural/Suspense
Rating: PG-13 (overall)
Universe: Canon divergence, Modern
Notes: This new serial was started to follow the themes for contests at Livejournal. This is the fifth installment, written for the "mist" theme at iy_themes.

Story Summary: Natsumi dreams of another woman's past, a woman who desperately wants to reunite with the man she loves, even if Natsumi has to suffer in the end.

As soon as he left Natsumi to rest in the hospital, Sesshoumaru heard the call. He felt a sting in his chest, and he almost had to lean against the wall for a support the force was so strong. He left quickly then, feeling the pull of the distress, and he wandered to an alley behind the hospital, unseen, and began to shift into the spirit world where no human would witness his true form.

He glided into the sky, and when he found her castle at the end of the distress, he came back into his humanoid form and approached her. His mother was resting in her throne. She looked tired; the youkai disease was already eating away at her. Sesshoumaru could see parts of her body, misty and transparent. The end result was clear; very soon she would appear to not exist.

And some day that would happen to him.

He knelt before her and put his hand over hers. She smiled weakly, but he still saw fang, which only meant his mother would not go without fighting.

“You feel that, Sesshoumaru? It’s the pull of Hell. Soon, as the humans forget us, we will all go there, into the dark mist where other beasts dwell,” she said, barely above a whisper, but her words rang hollow, like an ominous prophecy. “How unrefined. To be pulled into the pit with the mongrels.”

“Do you feel any pain, Mother?” he asked, and she shook her head.

“It is not how pain should feel, my son,” she said, and she tilted her head, studying him. “ appear to have purpose. As I recall, you were running away from this as much as I am. Now, it seems you’re trying to live for something.”

Sesshoumaru stared at a spot on her marble floor, thinking and only finding Natsumi’s face in his thoughts. The air seemed damp and wistful around him.

“I found her, after all this time; I found Kagura,” he said, looking up from the ground and meeting her introspective eyes. She smiled lightly.

“I’m have something to look forward to at least.” She leaned back and closed her eyes, resting her head against the soft cushion of her throne. “Me,” she said chuckling. “Well, it’s too late for me. My time has come.”

Sesshoumaru squeezed her hand, and he stayed with her until her final seconds.

sesshoumaru, kagura, the unquiet winds, challenge, sesshoumaru/kagura, original character, inuyasha

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