Unnatural History, "Caught In-Between" ch.11, rated T

Oct 28, 2010 12:04

Fandom: Unnatural History
Title: Caught In-Between
Chapter Title: 11: Close to Home
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: R/M (subject to change)
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Characters/Pairings: Henry/Maggie, Jasper/Maggie, & Jasper/Henry
Warnings: polyamory, UST in later chapters.
Disclaimer: Cartoon Network owns Unnatural History. I only borrow and play.
Notes: In progress. OT3 fic, with mature situations to be added later. (Once completed I'll post to the UnH comm here at LJ.)

URLS: FFnet | AO3

Story Summary:As a strange heat wave hits DC, the gang becomes involved in a mystery that enhances their feelings for one another, with a new fertility artifact as a possible cause. Henry x Maggie x Jasper. In-progress.

Previous Chapter

Chapter Eleven: Close to Home

Henry tried very carefully to gauge his cousin’s mood when he got back from the DOUM rooms that night. He and Maggie searched for Jasper as band practice was getting out that evening, but one of his classmates had said that Jasper had already left, meaning he was probably already home.

He and Maggie shared looks of unease at the news, and they both agreed to go home for the evening and no longer prolong the issue between them. They parted ways, and even though Maggie had offered to give Henry a ride home, he declined, feeling it wiser to avoid any potential moments where they both acted on their newfound feelings again. Before Maggie could leave his sight, Henry grabbed her hand and squeezed it with a smile as the two of them shared a moment of affection.

The very moment Maggie left, however, Henry started to miss her, and his thoughts about Jasper plagued him on the long walk home.

When he finally arrived back at the house, it was late, and Jasper was already in bed. Henry had taken the long way home, thinking a walk would clear his head. Instead, it gave him more time to think than he really needed, and he gained no progress from mulling over his continued fears about Jasper’s reaction to his growing feelings toward Maggie.

He tip-toed into the bedroom and Jasper appeared asleep. Quietly, Henry got ready for bed and lightly climbed in his hammock. Though he tried to make as little noise as possible, Jasper still roused for a second, and sleepily turned over to say ‘hey’ to Henry as he started to wake himself up.

“Go back to sleep,” Henry whispered, and Jasper nodded. Then, he rolled over into a lump under the thin blanket and Henry heard his soft breathing into slumber once again.

Henry sighed, partly wishing Jasper had woken up so they could talk. What would he say though? He really hadn’t constructed the perfect words to tell his cousin about Maggie yet, not after promising him not to hurt him where she was concerned. Now, Henry was more torn than ever.

He closed his eyes hoping for sleep, but when sweat formed on his forehead, he dreaded not being able to sleep well that night.

Instead, he thought of Maggie, even though he knew he shouldn’t. He thought of her soft skin, her kisses, and the ease in which she let him touch her, skin on skin. Then he started to miss her even more, fighting off wild desires to take off out his window into the night, trekking to her house and hoping she would welcome him into her bedroom.

But he didn’t. Curses, he thought, feeling heat in places other than his forehead. There was no way he’d sleep soundly now.


The three of them met for classes as usual in the morning in a rather strange atmosphere. Jasper was unusually quiet and short with Henry in the morning, and he wouldn’t look him in the eye, which disturbed Henry into surmounting paranoia. Did Jasper find out somehow? Did he catch them, or did someone else see him and Maggie and tell Jasper?

He didn’t seem angry just...cold, like he was hurt and preoccupied with thoughts that were telling him to stay away from Henry’s presence.

“Hey, guys,” Maggie said when she came up to them. She looked at both Henry and Jasper and saw different kinds of unhappiness on their faces. She furrowed her brow in curiosity, but when she met Henry’s piercing eyes, she decided to not inquire. “Bad news. More people collapsed from heat exhaustion. Most of them were students here...many of the students who were making out in the halls. Some of them were teachers and even museum employees.” She made a point to look at Henry. “Also, one of them was Mrs. Farah and a couple of her security personnel.”

“Well, that clears it,” Jasper said, almost condescendingly. “See Henry, Maggie was right. Mrs. Farah isn’t behind the hoodoo of the heat wave and amorous students. Case closed.”

Henry’s brows knitted and he looked disturbed. “But...I was sure.”

“Well, so that angle is closed. Maybe this is all there is and there was no case to begin with,” Maggie said.

“I’m not so sure,” Henry said pointedly.

“Don’t tell me...intuition?” Jasper said with a sigh. “Henry, just give it up!”

“I want to know why Mrs. Farah was so paranoid that someone was going to steal from her but then stayed with the exhibit, even prolonged it anyway,” Henry explained. “Also, why did she think someone like Madison was suspicious? A student even? And she looked at her like she loathed her, and it just wasn’t common adult ageism toward students.”

“Speaking of Madison...” Jasper said, ignoring the rest of Henry’s theories. “Here she comes now.” Henry followed Jasper’s eyes as they looked down the hall. Sure enough, Madison Brinker was strutting by, grinning like she had a mouthful of diamonds.

“Hey Jasper,” she said in a breathy voice. “Are we still on for tonight?”

“Yeah,” Jasper said, almost moaning in his reply. “Coffee tonight at 7. I’ll be there,” he said nodding, still staring at her as if he was going to eat her.

Maggie and Henry both turned to Jasper with shock. “You’re going on a date with Madison!” Maggie asked first. Henry watched her anger rise. Maggie looked positively livid, almost a little jealous. He wondered if she was feeling the same way he was, that maybe they were worrying too much about Jasper’s say in their relationship. When he turned his gaze back to Jasper, he realized there was more too it. Jasper was enjoying Maggie’s outrage, like he was gaining some kind of silent revenge.

Henry wondered if Jasper really was interested in Madison at all of if he was testing them, even getting back at them for something. Did he really know about them or did he only suspect?

“Well, that’s a surprise,” Henry finally said, and Jasper turned to him and his large smile relaxed for a moment, and he seemed to wait with anticipation at Henry’s reaction. More than anything, Henry was confused, and he hoped he projected that to Jasper as his cousin watched him. “I guess she took my words to heart.”

“Your words?” Jasper asked defensively. Whatever reaction he was expecting, he wasn’t expecting this.

“Yes, that last time I saw her at the exhibit I mentioned that you thought I was crazy for turning her down. She seemed to enjoy that fact,” Henry said. He didn’t mean to play deviously, but he really wanted to find out what his cousin was up to, and if he was messing with them or if he somehow knew about Henry’s clandestine moments with Maggie.

Jasper’s smile turned thin and he nodded his head. He seemed exasperated. “Great. Well, that’s just great.” He continued to smile, but Henry sensed inner fury pulsating from him. “You do seem to ruin everything.” Jasper made a pointed look at Maggie and then he stomped off.

“Jasper, wait!” Maggie called, but his cousin ignored her, disappearing into a sea of students before the bell for next period rang. She turned to Henry desperately and said, “You think he already knows?”

“It certainly seems that way, which begs the question how?” Henry turned to her and put a light, comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’ll talk to him, and I’ll explain everything.”

“Henry, what are we going to do? Neither of us wants to hurt him. I like him just as much...” Her words trailed off, and Henry watched her face pale and then her cheeks started to turn pink. “I’m sorry...I have to go too.” Henry opened his mouth to speak, but Maggie was already gone. He sighed heavily, and when he looked into the students starting to clear out from the halls, he spotted Jasper again, hanging out with Madison outside his classroom.

Henry’s jaw tightened and his temper begin to rise. He was tired of this. He was tired of keeping secrets, and he was tired of holding back his true feelings for Maggie and for Jasper. He didn’t want disharmony in their group, nor did he want to be the cause of it.

He began sprinting down the hall, locking Jasper on in his targeted view. Jasper looked his way, and he appeared slightly surprised as Henry picked up speed toward him.

Henry would set things straight with Jasper now, even if he had to barrel him down in the halls.

Chapter Twelve

maggie, ot3, jasper/maggie, unnatural history, henry, jasper, maggie/henry, caught in between, jasper/henry

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