Unnatural History, "Caught In-Between" ch.9, rated T

Oct 21, 2010 13:20

Fandom: Unnatural History
Title: Caught In-Between
Chapter Title: 9: Dream Interpretation
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: R/M
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Characters/Pairings: Henry/Maggie, Jasper/Maggie, & Jasper/Henry
Warnings: polyamory, UST in later chapters.
Disclaimer: Cartoon Network owns Unnatural History. I only borrow and play.
Notes: In progress. OT3 fic, with mature situations to be added later. (Once completed I'll post to the UnH comm here at LJ.)

URLS: FFnet | AO3

Story Summary:As a strange heat wave hits DC, the gang becomes involved in a mystery that enhances their feelings for one another, with a new fertility artifact as a possible cause. Henry x Maggie x Jasper. In-progress.

Previous Chapter

Chapter Nine: Dream Interpretation

Something was up between Maggie and Henry; Jasper could just sense it. Not only that, the entire drive back in Maggie’s car was extremely awkward, and Henry and Maggie barely said anything to each other while Jasper did all the talking.

He wasn’t an idiot. He could pick up something odd between them with the looks they would give each other before they got back to the car. Henry had crawled into Maggie’s backseat as Jasper took shotgun, and he had noticed how Maggie would glance at Henry in her rearview mirror as she drove them home.

He could either assume Henry was stealing weird glances as well, or his cousin was oblivious. Jasper would have voted for the former if not for the longing and pontificating look his cousin gave Maggie as she drove away after dropping them off at their house that night.

After that, Jasper watched his cousin closely, looking for any unusual mannerisms or expressions that may indicate that Henry and Maggie were up to something. His cousin had promised him that he wouldn’t intentionally hurt Jasper when it came to Maggie, but Jasper had become worried, thinking Henry may not have control over the feelings that he was having toward her and he was having trouble with them. Jasper could guess that his cousin would hold back for his sake. In one way, Jasper felt comforted in knowing his cousin had cared about him that much to sacrifice his own happiness, but in another, he didn’t want Henry to be unhappy instead because of him.

If this was the case, Jasper surely empathized with Henry’s dilemma; however, Jasper admitted he felt jealous, almost betrayed. He didn’t know how to feel, honestly, until the truth of what was going on between Maggie and Henry was fully known.

Also, Jasper had no way of knowing how Maggie really felt. The possibility that she preferred Henry over him scared him the most of all. Jasper couldn’t help his fear and anger. He was here first, and he grew up with Maggie, so automatically he felt he should get dibs on her. Henry comes into her life not less than two years and she chooses him? It wouldn’t be fair. Jasper had been here, waiting all this time for her to notice him, and perhaps it seemed hopeless after a while, and he admitted he’d been distracted by other girls. Yet, Jasper had always liked Maggie, and he feared he always would, knowing that if she found someone else and didn’t feel anything stronger toward him that he would lose her.

To lose her to his cousin, someone he was so close to, definitely felt like a knife was making its way to his heart (and his back too, if he thought about it).

Henry seemed even more distant that same night they settled down to bed. He tried to be congenial toward Jasper, putting on a forced smile and thanking him many times for coming with him to the hotel, even though they barely got any evidence. His cousin rambled off some theories toward the mysterious box he never managed to open before they had to flee, but other than that, there was nothing to Henry’s theory that Mrs. Farah was still up to no good with her exhibit.

“Don’t worry. I’ll do some digging into her past tomorrow. I might have to hack through some tough security channels, but I think I have time in my free period,” Jasper said, giving Henry a weak smile before drawing himself under the thin sheets. His father had allowed the air conditioning on, but he kept the temperature at such a meager coolness it barely made a difference. Still, it was better than dying in the heat. When his dad had complained about not getting any sleep during the heat wave, he finally relented to turn the air on, even if it was only when they were at home.

“Thanks, Jasper,” Henry said with his trademark, serene smile. He settled into his hammock for the evening, and as Jasper’s buzzing thoughts continued to keep him wide awake, he could hear his cousin’s even breathing on the other side of the room as he fell into a comfortable sleep.

Eventually, Jasper’s thoughts about Henry and Maggie got to him, and he fell into some state of slumber where he dreamed of them. At first, it had felt pleasurable. Jasper woke up lazily to find himself next to Maggie in a much larger bed - one that he noticed had been hers. He’d been to Maggie’s house several times and had peeked at it, noting its grandeur and wondering how soft it was under all those red and black pillows. Deep down Jasper knew that the softness of the bed would never be anything without Maggie’s body beside him.

Right now, Maggie really was next to him, tracing her soft hands down his arm and looking into his eyes as they huddled together in nothing but their underwear under the covers of the bed. Jasper was aware that he was dreaming, lucidly in fact, but he prayed that he didn’t wake up. Having her look at him like this, touching him like this, and well, he took would he could get.

“Hey,” he said in a breathy voice, and her smile widened and she tilted her head. He paused, watching as her eyes closed and she leaned in toward his lips. When he felt her soft mouth on his, Jasper moaned, and as her hands slowly traced over his body and bringing him toward her, Jasper became impatient, heated, and he drew her tightly against him as she released a surprised squeak.

When he felt another hot breath against his ear, he felt his body tense. However, the role he was playing in his dreams was not surprised. He wasn’t even repulsed or averse. He accepted it, turning around to another voice that teased Maggie not to hog Jasper all to himself.

“Henry...” Jasper’s voice came out headier than he intended. What was he doing? The Jasper in his dream chuckled, and when his cousin snaked his arms around him, bringing Jasper against his strong taut chest, he closed his eyes and sighed as he felt Henry’s lips paint a trail against his back. Maggie’s lips were on his again, and he became overwhelmed as desire rose up within him, and here he was, caught in between them and feeling them, letting them inside and welcoming every tender touch and whispered word.

When his cousin and Maggie whispered that they loved him and would never hurt him, Jasper opened his eyes. Sweat moistened over his forehead, and he licked his lips, feeling a ghost of a kiss he hadn’t yet had.

At first thought, Jasper freaked a little. He admitted that though he felt his was closer to Henry than any other male his age, his thoughts did not roam in such salacious territory. Being blood-related had definitely thrown up a wall between him and any consideration (and well, Jasper didn’t consider himself to swing that way either). Unfortunately, dreams tended to be tricky things, and his had been so vivid, so real both visually and physically, that it planted a seed in Jasper’s head, and he knew the sensations in the dream would plague him, spurring strange thoughts and drawing up awkward moments around his cousin.

When Jasper had calmed himself down a little, letting the images and emotions from his dream settle into the back of his mind, he glanced over at his cousin who was still sleeping soundly in his hammock. His cousin’s lips were moving, and Jasper wondered if he was talking in his sleep, even though his words were inaudible from Jasper’s spot in the room. Sighing heavily, Jasper instantly had the urge to get out of bed, creep over and try to decipher what Henry was saying.

Closing his eyes, he shook the thought from his head and rolled over, turning his back to Henry.

Jasper heard his cousin’s voice, barely above a whisper.

“This sucks,” he said to himself quietly, and he flung the light cover off his body and sat up in his bed. Holding back an irritated sigh, Jasper lightly padded over to Henry’s hammock and he looked down at his cousin’s satiated face.

Instantly, the images from his dream flashed in front of his eyes, and Jasper took a step back, fighting off the urge to touch Henry, mostly warding off strange feelings and seeing if his cousin was real, and if he wasn’t dreaming this time. Jasper clenched his hands into fists at his sides, and he frowned as Henry began to talk in his sleep again.

His cousin’s face broke out in an affectionate smile, and when Jasper heard Henry say Maggie’s name, he pulled away feeling more worried and lonelier than ever.

As for his dream? Well, he didn’t know what to think of it now.

It probably didn’t mean anything anyway.

Chapter Ten

maggie, ot3, jasper/maggie, unnatural history, henry, jasper, maggie/henry, caught in between, jasper/henry

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