Inuyasha, "The Unquiet Winds" [rated pg-13]

Sep 26, 2010 10:45

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Unquiet Winds
Chapter Title: Man on the Street
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Kagura's reincarnation (inevitable Kagura/Sesshoumaru)
Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural/Suspense
Rating: PG-13 (overall)
Universe: Canon divergence, Modern
Notes: This new serial was started to follow the themes for contests at Livejournal. This is the second installment, written for the "glow" theme at iy_themes.

Story Summary: Natsumi dreams of another woman's past, a woman who desperately wants to reunite with the man she loves, even if Natsumi has to suffer in the end.

Back to the Prologue

Chapter One: Man on the Street

It was raining that day, and Natsumi had to take two buses just to get to work. She slept horribly last night, and as usual, it was because of her dreams.

What do they even mean? she asked herself. She didn’t spurn them; they were the most exciting things happening in her life. Crazy dreams of another woman, someone she didn’t know, and not really a woman, a demon woman who was her. Or at least, the dreams of a past life, and they didn’t really feel like dreams, more like memories that were clearly hers.

But they weren’t.

The last bus she took to work jarred to a stop, and the person next to her pressed against her shoulder. They mumbled an apology and quickly departed, and Natsumi sighed and followed the rolling crowd out of the bus and onto the rain-soaked streets. She picked up a stray newspaper on the seat and held it over her head. She looked up at the sky mournfully and sighed, heading toward the factory where she worked a few blocks down.

Several people brushed against her as they hurried down the streets, even more so through the rain. Natsumi frowned with annoyance, wishing that people would lay off her, at least for the morning, and when a cold breeze filtered through her hair, she felt a sense of relaxation. She turned to her left and saw people retreating slightly away from her. Well then, she was grateful for whatever angel had listened to her.

Then, he came. He was striking, holding an umbrella that hid his face and towering over her as he charged by. He clipped the edge of her shoulder, and Natsumi wobbled, forgetting her awe of him and turning around to glare at his rudeness. When she did, he hurried on without a care. She stopped, her mouth gaping at the color of his hair, neatly drawn back into a silver ponytail. Natsumi had never seen hair that color before.

She froze momentarily as the man unexpectedly turned around, catching her gaze. Natsumi felt a strange sensation in her chest - a pinch, or as if someone was ringing out ice water from the walls of her heart. She stared at his eyes, and they shimmered with a glow.

Natsumi blinked, and the man was already gone, disappearing down the streets through the amorphous sea of people. She felt her feet draw toward him like magnets, and she knew in her gut that glowing golden eyes were not normal. She wished more than anything that she could find him again and confirm that she wasn’t going crazy, that there was something strange about him.

A crack of thunder startled her out of her daydream, and Natsumi fell into the rushed pace of people heading down the block away from the impending storm. The winds picked up, and Natsumi practically felt them carry her ahead, pulling her farther away from the man on the street that she wouldn’t dare forget.

Chapter Two

sesshoumaru, kagura, the unquiet winds, challenge, sesshoumaru/kagura, original character, inuyasha

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