Unnatural History, "Caught In-Between" ch.5, rated T

Sep 21, 2010 11:27

Fandom: Unnatural History
Title: Caught In-Between
Chapter Title: 5: Secrets in the Hot Night
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: R/M
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Characters/Pairings: Henry/Maggie, Jasper/Maggie, & hinted Jasper/Henry
Warnings: polyamory, UST in later chapters.
Disclaimer: Cartoon Network owns Unnatural History. I only borrow and play.
Notes: In progress. OT3 fic, with mature situations to be added later. (Once completed I'll post to the UnH comm here at LJ.)

URLS: FFnet | AO3

Story Summary:As a strange heat wave hits DC, the gang becomes involved in a mystery that enhances their feelings for one another, with a new fertility artifact as a possible cause. Henry x Maggie x Jasper. In-progress.

Previous Chapter

Chapter Five: Secrets in the Hot Night

"Dude, where were you tonight?" Jasper asked, flopping onto his bed while Henry patted his drum and stared at the ceiling in his hammock. "Maggie and I were looking for you at the DOUM rooms, but you didn't show, so Maggie did inventory at the cafe and made me help."

"I had to skip the DOUM rooms tonight," he answered, and Henry turned his head and sighed. "I wasn't paying attention in Linguistics class today, so the professor volunteered me to help with the new exhibit. Did you know that the new exhibit at Smithson is on fertility statuary? It's going to be one of the most... distracting exhibits Smithson's ever going to show. The curator herself is sure the students will mock it."

Jasper laughed loudly, and as Henry watched his cousin pull his shirt over his head, a trail of sweat glistened down the middle of his chest.

"Uh huh, so you're telling me you worked late because you didn't really rush the work you were forced into," Jasper said, and Henry nodded, turning toward him in his hammock.

"After I helped them set up, I read most of the pieces they had in the gallery. There was even one my parents had dug up there, a small ritual carving in the similar style of the Venus of Willendorf. Everything was fascinating, but not as much as the Lapis Lazuli carving of Inanna."

"Lapis-la-what-again?" Jasper asked confused, huffing and sitting up on the bed. Henry noticed idly that the heat was getting to him. It had to be 90 degrees out with an even higher heat index. The day only seemed to get hotter even at night. It was worse when Uncle Brian had refused to put on the A/C (to save money) and they had to open windows to stay cool.

"It is statuary of the Sumerian fertility and war Goddess Inanna, carved in a bluish stone called lapis lazuli. It was said to be the stone associated with the goddess, bringing blessings of children to the barren and love and romance to the most bitter and loneliest of men and women," Henry droned off, and Jasper eyes widened.

"Seriously, they brought something like that to a high school full of horny teenagers? The guards are going to have to do double rounds in the boiler room," Jasper said with a snort.

"Not if this heat wave continues," Henry said, following Jasper's example and discarding his shirt. He started to work on the belt of his pants when Jasper stopped him.

"No...No way. You're not sleeping buck naked tonight, are you?" Jasper whined. "I really don't want to see that when I wake up in the morning."

Henry raised an eyebrow with a thin frown. "But it's hot, Jasper. I've slept in African desert much the same way."

"I'm sure your parents were very proud, but seriously, it's weird in my bedroom," Jasper pleaded.

"How is it weird? It's nothing you haven't seen before," Henry pointed out.

"Seriously, that's the lamest excuse ever," Jasper said. "Have a little modesty."

"Don't be so prudish. What is it with Americans and their body image issues?" Henry contemplated aloud.

"It's not Americans. It's me, your cousin, who does not want to see your Henry-parts first thing in the morning," Jasper said stubbornly, and Jasper's flushed, embarrassed face made Henry sigh in defeat.

"Alright, alright," Henry conceded. "I'll just wear this mawashi," he said, dropping his pants and revealing a sumo wrestling garment wrapped around his pelvis. Jasper croaked in surprise, turning around and burying his head in the covers.

"Gees, dude!" he exclaimed, still hiding in his sanctuary under his bed cover.

Henry looked down at his comfortable, form-fitting attire and looked up at the shuddering mound on Jasper's bed. "What?"

Jasper would come out of his covers later that night (because of the heat) but never turned toward his cousin's direction, which is exactly what Henry wanted.

Henry intended to meet his parents on the "iCat" later that night, so he unhooked the battery of Jasper's computer, grabbed it and tiptoed downstairs to the living room for some privacy. The last thing he wanted was Jasper to listen in on his conversation, considering his dilemma had concerned him.

Still, Henry didn't know what he was really going to ask his parents. True, it'd been months since he'd seen them, and they were still hopping place to place, getting sidetracked by weather and different time zones. Henry admitted to missing them, but he was getting accustomed to life here in America, a transition that wouldn't have been easy without Maggie, Jasper and even Uncle Brian.

This is why he needed such important advice. The last thing he wanted to do was make a mistake, violate some American custom he didn't know about, and hurt them because of his feelings.

"Hi honey!" His mother waved jubilantly at him, while his father looked on with a large grin. Wherever they were, it was probably as hot as it was here, and it appeared that his father had actually shaved that day, and his mother had pulled back her hair in numerous hair pins. Sweat beaded on their foreheads, and Henry longed for the open space in the background behind them.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you while you're busy," Henry said quietly, hoping not to wake up his uncle and Jasper.

"That's okay, son. We're taking a quick break, and then we're going back to the dig," his father stated. "What's on your mind?"

Henry sighed. "I need your advice." Henry folded his hands in front of his chest, and his parents noticed his distress with concern evident on their faces. "I think I may have a problem with Jasper."

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey, but isn't this something your uncle could help you with?" his mother asked, looking at her husband with relief.

"I'm afraid not, Mom. See... it hasn't become a problem yet," Henry said with a wince. He didn't know how much time they had, so he didn't want to stall. So he just came out and said it, "Jasper and I may like ... the same girl... someday"

His father's smile disappeared into awe. His mother was obviously shocked, but she was fighting a curl to her lips from amusement.

"Well," his father said awkwardly, clearing his throat. "So... it hasn't happened yet?"

"What do I do? I could never hurt Jasper," Henry said. "Uncle Brian and Jasper have been so good to me here."

"Henry, if there isn't a problem yet, I don't know how we can help you," his mother said, and she obviously looked torn, not knowing how she could help Henry with his problem but obviously wanting to do everything she could.

Henry shook his head. "It's not that, I just... I want your advice on what you would do," Henry clarified.

"Son, you're only sixteen. However, much you two like this girl..."

"She's our best friend," Henry mused aloud softly.

"Well, this is going to be difficult... probably more difficult than subduing an alligator...But just take note, dealing with girls is never going to be easy," his father said, and his mother turned to him with a quick glare before turning her bright smile back toward her son.

"What I think your father is trying to say that this is normal teenager stuff, even if it is difficult for you. I know that you and Jasper really like this girl, but if you're really concerned about hurting Jasper, you need to think about how much your feelings mean, how deep they run, and if they're worth the inevitable hurt," his mother clarified. "You're young, and feelings change so often at your age, Henry."

"Just think about what means more to you, Henry, your friendships or your feelings," his father said. "I don't know if this is what you wanted to hear."

"No, no, it's great. Thank you," Henry said with a smile, but he was more torn than ever. Still, his parents' advice did bring some perspective to the matter.

"And if this girl likes one of you over the other, it will be out of your control, Henry. Think of that," his mother added. "If she likes Jasper, you'll have to accept her friendship. It might be the wisest thing you'll have to do."

"It'll be very gracious of you too, son," his father said.

"And if she likes me?" Henry asked.

"Well," his mother stammered. She looked to his father for a moment with a sad expression. "The other gracious thing is for Jasper to understand that there will be changes, but he's still your family, and you still love him."

Henry nodded. "I understand. Sorry to bother you with all of this."

"Henry," his mother spoke, with her smile bright as the sun behind her. "Who is this girl?" He watched as his father and mother stared at him with intensity.

Henry smiled. "I don't know if I like her like that yet, Mom. I'm just preparing if something happens," Henry said, realizing he was sharing far more information with his parents than he'd ever expected. Since they were living so far apart now, he didn't mind sharing more of his life with them, even if it was a little embarrassing.

"Never mind that, who is she?" His father grinned.

Henry sighed. "Goodnight and I love you two," he said, avoiding the question. Knowing his parents, if he told them, they might do some digging into Maggie's personal life just for fun. He could tell his parents some things, but not everything.

His mother laughed. "'Night, Henry. Love you," they both said, and Henry switched the computer off (though probably not doing it correctly), and he looked out the living room window, thinking about what his parents had said. The house seemed to get hotter as he made his way up the stairs toward Jasper's bedroom. When he settled on his hammock, his brain buzzed with their advice as his own thoughts continued to bug him about the matter.

In this heat and with his own feelings gnawing at him, Henry was sure he wasn't going to get much sleep that night.

Chapter Six

maggie, ot3, jasper/maggie, unnatural history, henry, jasper, maggie/henry, caught in between, jasper/henry

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