I'm going to be busy in the next few months writing like a madwoman, so I thought I'd lay down of list of what I'm working on.
Current Projects
- "Hanyou of the Future" Finished (Chapters 20, 21, 22 - all drafted), Polishing and Beta process, will be posted sometime between July 16th and 17th, approximately.
heroes_bigboom fic, 10,000 words (Elle/Claire AR), first draft due August 1st (in progress)
- Shiori Chronicles, Chapter 1 (second installment) posted at
inuyasha_et_al, subsequent chapters influenced by themes at the community.
After Heroes Big Boom
help_haiti fic for
rtwofan. Edgar/Lydia, in progress
- Shipped First Class fanzine - fic? art?
- "Petrelli Land" finish (currently on Hiatus)
- "Some Dreams Fade Anew" (currently on Hiatus), will start taking on
30shards themes.
- "Kohaku Chronicles" (currerntly on Hiatus), continue to take on prompts from
10_themes - finish remaining prompts for the A-Z meme at my personal journal.
fanfic_bakeoff, multi-fandom inspirations, varied updates
- "Through the Stars" Mir/San AU sci-fi fic, in progress
- National Novel Writing Month - "Circle of Whispers" part 2 (original fic)
- "Unbridled Aria" 2nd Draft, original fic
There will probably be sporadic one-shot inspirations here and there, but this is the strict schedule I'm following at least until the beginning of September.